Sunday, June 15, 2014

Waleed Aly Avoids the Obvious Truth....Again !

Here is Australia, Fairfax columnist and Muslim apologist Waleed Aly did it with Boko Haram and does it again with Iraq. Don’t mention Islam!  Waleed Aly is the model moderate Muslim, used by the media to persuade us we have little to fear from Islam but our own bigotry. His rewards have been great. Once the spokesman for the Islamic Council of Victoria, he is now an ABC (another organization that tries not to use the ''M'' word) radio host and an AGE newspaper columnist (where he does most of his Muslim denials).

He has burrowed himself so deep into the media and political fabric of Australian society (like a bedbug), the crazy thing is he even turns up as a politics lecturer at Monash University's Global Terrorism Research Centre, despite having NO doctorate and having qualified in engineering and law. This week Aly showed the style that's made him such a pet of the establishment Left
 but a worry to me.

In Iraq we have Islamist extremists - led by the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant - slaughtering Shiites, attacking the Iraqi democracy and claiming a new Islamic Sunni state in the north of Iraq and Syria. Just yesterday these jihadist savage scum put a photo on Twitter of the severed head of the police chief of Mosel, a city they overran, and wrote, ''This is our ball, it's made of skin, maybe one of the teams would like to use this head for a soccer ball.''  Thankfully, Twitter took it down.

Who does Aly blame? THE WEST !
We haven’t yet come to terms with just how much damage the invasion of Iraq has done. It’s likely we won’t fully know for decades. But it’s clear that the blowback is already under way...

Predictably, Aly does not even mention a more telling fact: that the US pulled out prematurely from Iraq in 2011, leaving a vacuum that terrorists now fill. Nor does he mention that the regime the West toppled in 2003 was one of the most brutal known, responsible for starting two wars and a genocide. If he believes that regime should have been left in place he should say so explicitly and reckon what that would have cost in more lives lost.

And what words never pass his lips in this article?  Yes, “Islam” and “Muslim”.
True, he does mention “Islamic” - but only once, in noting the Sunni force involved is indeed the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant. Nowhere does Aly describe Islam’s role in fostering such violence and contempt for democracy, whether in Iraq, Egypt or Syria, all countries he discusses in this piece.

No, just blame the West for Muslims slaughtering Muslims to impose a fascist state.
It’s always the West, which makes Aly’s piece reads dangerously like an apologia for Islamist extremism of the deadliest kind. But just to underline Aly’s slipperiness, here is the core of his argument. The West was stupid to remove Saddam Hussein in Iraq and thus unleash this terrorist “blowback”. But it was stupid not to remove Bashar al-Assad in Syria and thus allow this terrorist uprising. Whatever it chooses, the West is wrong:
Obama ran an anaemic campaign for military intervention in Syria that went nowhere. These days he regards Syria merely as “somebody else’s civil war”.
We will never know what would have happened had America intervened at that stage. But we do know that Bashar al-Assad had free reign to unleash brutal force, thereby radicalising the environment and laying down a magnet for Sunni terrorist groups. And we now know that those groups are enmeshed with those in Iraq.... Mosul is in terrorist hands because we blew the lid off Iraq, then refused to help put it back on Syria.

The Way I See is impossible to ignore the influence of Islam in this conflict:
The Islamic State of Iraq and al-Shams (Isis) has imposed a strict set of Sharia laws on the citizens of Nineveh province just days after capturing the provincial capital of Mosul.
In a document circulating on social media attributed to the group, Isis warned tribal leaders and sheikhs not to “work with [the Iraqi] government and be traitors” while proclaiming that women should only go outside if absolutely necessary. 
“For women, dress decently and wear wide clothes. Only go out if needed,” read the document ...
The document added that Isis wish to destroy all shrines and graves, in reference to Shia shrines in towns such as Samarra where fighting is continuing.
“For those asking who are you? We are soldiers of Islam and took on our responsiblity to bring back glory of the Islamic Caliphate… Anyone who steals [will have their] hands cut,” the document translation read.              

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