Thursday, March 29, 2018

Former Congressman Opens Up About Hillary, What Really Happened

“She completely disregarded every one of my subpoenas.” Former congressman Jason Chaffetz (below) (R-UT) told George Washington University’s “College Republicans” group earlier this week, as he specifically highlighted his role in the Hillary Clinton E-mail server investigation.
A U.S. Air Force garrison had the jets gassed up and ready for take-off from Stuttgart, Germany when the American Embassy in Benghazi, Libya came under terrorist attack.
They were “expressly forbidden from engaging in a rescue operation until after several U.S. diplomats, including Ambassador Christopher Stevens, were killed,” Chaffetz recalls.
After the explosions died down and the few survivors were safely back on U.S. soil, “they had their security clearance stripped and were denied access to speak with any congressmen on the matter.”

There could only be one reason. “It is obvious that the State Department did not want these folks speaking about any classified information with the House Oversight Committee.”
As chairman of that committee, Chaffetz sent then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, “several letters asking her to preserve all emails regarding Libya and the Benghazi attack.”
When it came time for Hillary and the State Department to cough up all the emails that were supposed to be saved, they were gone.
“The absence of numerous purported emails on the attack indicated a potential cover-up on part of the Clinton state department to deceive the American voters in the lead-up to the 2016 election.”
By March of 2015, it was obvious that Hillary Clinton had sanitized all the emails from her “secret server.” Her lawyer told a special House Benghazi Select Committee “there’s nothing left to search.”
That is when Congress started asking, “Did Clinton destroy documents that were under subpoena?”
Only nine days after the embassy attack, Rep. Chaffetz wrote to Hillary asking for, “all information related to the attack on the consulate.”
He specifically wanted, “all analyses, whether classified or unclassified, on the security situation leading up to the Benghazi attack.” He made it crystal clear “the committee wanted everything.”

After months of dragging their feet, the State Department agreed, instead of turning the materials over, they would be made available for inspection. Committee investigators were forced to visit the records in a specially secured room.
They waded through over 25,000 pages of documents before they realized that Hillary’s emails were not in the pile. There also weren’t many emails in the stack from “Cheryl Mills, Huma Abedin, Philippe Reines, Jake Sullivan and others.”
The House Select Committee on Benghazi managed to grab a small handful of less than ten emails either to or from Hillary. They had a previously unknown address:
The Benghazi committee soon were pouring over 850 pages from two different accounts on the same server.
The State Department claimed that was all there are. By the time Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) requested a neutral third party examination of the hardware, congress learned “its contents have been destroyed.”
Anything that was on that server that wasn’t turned over through the State Department was destroyed illegally in defiance of Rep Chaffetz’ subpoena.
“An engineer at Platte River Networks, the company responsible for maintaining the Secretary’s third personal email server, deleted Secretary Clinton’s email archives in March of 2015, despite knowing they were subject to preservation orders and a congressional subpoena,” a letter Chaffetz mailed to the U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia says.
“The Department should investigate and determine whether Secretary Clinton or her employees and contractors violated statutes that prohibit destruction of records, obstruction of congressional inquiries, and concealment or cover up of evidence material to a congressional investigation.”
“Remember, there are two email systems at the State Department. You don’t just simply get a classified email and then whoops, I forwarded to the wrong person.”
“You have to go to great lengths to take it off that system, or summarize what you saw, and put it on the non-classified system. So how Sidney Blumenthal and others are integrated into this really still, we need to get to the truth.”
Between July 5 the end of September, 2016, more than 70 subpoenas and letters were issued when James Comey, the Director of the FBI, concluded there would not be any charges against Hillary.
“These subpoenas and letters relate to a wide range of investigations conducted by House Republicans against Secretary Clinton over the past three months, including her personal email account, the Clinton Foundation, and a number of other issues.”
“She’s not getting a clean slate,” Chaffetz vowed in the last days of October, just before the nation went to the polls.
“We’ve got document destruction. We’ve got their own rogue system. We’ve got classified information out the door. We’ve got their foundation doing who knows what. I mean, it took them four years just to release her schedule.”

The Way I See It.........all good things come to those that wait. Retribution is in the wind.

Stormy Daniels Is Having BIG Impact On Trump’s Approval.......

.........But Not In The Way CNN Expected !!

Despite CNN’s endless coverage and numerous interviews with adult film star Stormy Daniels and her lawyer, President Donald Trump’s approval rating is steadily rising.
On Tuesday, a CNN poll showed 42 percent of voters approve of Trump’s handling the presidency, a seven point jump since February.
Trump got a six-point increase among Republicans and Independents since last month.
Eighty-six percent of Republicans and 41 percent of Independents approve of Trump’s performance.
The poll also found that 48 percent of voters approve of Trump’s handling of the economy, which has been strong on many fronts since he took office.
Here’s how many on social media reacted to CNN’s poll backfiring:

CNN’s operation to use drudged up allegations from more than a decade managed to make Trump even more popular with the American people.
Daniels claims she had an affair with Trump in 2006, which the president has vehemently denied on numerous occasions.
She also claims Trump’s personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, paid her $130,000 in 2016 as part of a nondisclosure agreement.
Desperate to save its plunging ratings, CNN has aired several interviews with Daniels in recent weeks.
The network also has her lawyer, Michael Avanetti, appear as a guest on their programs almost every night to discuss the allegations.
The Way I See It......CNN has clearly been giving Daniels and Avanetti a ton of airtime to levy attacks against Trump, but the Americans people see through the biased attacks..
CNN’s own poll not only found that Trump’s approval rating has soared since last month, but that he’s becoming more popular with Republican and Independent voters.
Daniels sure is having a big impact on Trump’s approval rating, but not in the way CNN expected.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Hillary Clinton Got a Visa For Radical Islamist Facing Assault Charges !

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has been exposed for trying to secure a visa to the United States for a violent radical Islamist facing charges of sexually assaulting two women.
French authorities arrested and charged Islamist scholar Tariq Ramadan last week for raping two women, leading many to question why Clinton allowed this radical jihadist to enter the U.S. 
In 2010, Clinton dismissed a six-year policy under former President George W. Bush that forbid Ramadan from entering the U.S. under any circumstances.
The Bush-era policy was specifically installed because Ramadan had clear ties to radical Islam, terrorist organizations, and had been accused of sexually assaulting numerous women at the time.
But Clinton overturned it because she said she wanted to create a new relationship with the Muslim world.
Her way of “turning over a new leaf” was allowing a radical Islamist who raped several women and was connected to terrorism full access to the U.S.
Clinton ultimately dismissed the policy and allowed Ramadan to enter the U.S. Now he is being held by French authorities for raping and sexually assaulting two women.
As noted by Conservative Institute, Ramadan’s father founded the Islamic Geneva Center in 1961, which later was used to propel the Muslim Brotherhood.

The Muslim Brotherhood has been funding, supporting, and help terrorist groups carrying out attacks against Christians and nonbelievers for decades, but that never concerned Clinton.
On top of that, this piece of Muslim filth, Ramadan, is also the grandson of Muslim Brotherhood founder Hassan al Banna. 

In 2004, U.S. immigration authorities temporarily blocked Ramadan’s visa after the University of Notre Dame offered him a tenured teaching position.

He was denied again in 2006 when he applied for another visa application after U.S. officials said he donated $1,300 to the Swiss-based Association de Secours Palestinien, a  group that claims to be a charity but allegedly works to support the Iran-connected terrorist group Hamas.
Ramadan was represented by the left-wing American Civil Liberties Union shortly thereafter in their lawsuit against the State Department and Department of Homeland Security.
The Way I See It.........rather than fight it out, Clinton caved and agreed to reverse the travel ban on Ramadan.
Clinton used her power to allow this radical jihadist to enter the U.S., who is well-connected to terrorists and has been accused of sexually assaulting numerous women.
Her reckless disregard for the safety of the American people is further confirmation that we should all be thankful she is not our president or running the State Department. Ramadan is being held in France, thank God !


Marie is an Egyptian linguist who wishes to tell her remarkable story as a Christian

I love Australia. I have always loved this country and its people since the day I arrived. This country that Australians have built is like a paradise compared to where I come from. Yet since the day I arrived, I have been screaming to anyone who would listen, not to allow the Muslims to come in here.
‘Why not’ they ask me? ‘We let you in, didn’t we?’
“Yes,” I reply, “but I don’t want to change your country or to take over. I just want to be a part of it and fit in”
If there is one thing I would like to change about Australians, it is their naivety. I don’t blame you for it. Growing up in such a wonderful country, it is almost impossible to imagine how people in other parts of the world can be so different.
I am a Christian, but I had the misfortune to be born in Egypt, which is a Muslim country. Fortunately for me, Egypt was under the rule of the British Empire as a Protectorate from 1882 until the 1956 Suez conflict. Anyone who thinks the British Empire was a force for evil has never lived through what me and my family have been through.
In 1956, I was living in Cairo when the Suez Canal war broke out. I was 13 years old at the time. That was when the British lost control of Egypt, thanks largely to American, Russian and UN pressure. 
When us kids were allowed back to our English School of Heliopolis after the war, we found out, to our utter dismay, that all our Pom teachers had been expelled from Egypt. (Together with a huge number of other Europeans)
First lesson on the first day back, was a History class, our new teacher was one Mr Salama . . .I shall NEVER forget him. A short, squat man, with short wavy greying hair. Thick fat, wet lips, short fat fingers, and blue/grey eyes.
Mr Salama looked at us all with utter disdain, and explained that the Suez Canal ‘win’, (we actually believed Egypt had won, cos that is what we were told) was just the beginning of the creation of the new Caliphate.
He said: "All you dogs and pigs, remember my words. Us Muslims made a pact at the last Crusade to rebuild our numbers by marrying as many women as we could, then, when it is time and we have the numbers, to INVADE all Christian countries, BY ANY MEANS."
"Once inside, we will then force our demands on the host countries. We shall implement our Sharia Law. We shall proselytise, we shall marry the local women to bear as many children as they can, we shall build madrassas, we shall build mosques, we shall convert everybody, and FINALLY, we will have done what Mohammad (here he interrupted himself to bless Mo’s name) wanted us to do. I am an old man now, and will not see this Caliphate, but you pigs and dogs will."
I turned around to my bench mate, a kid called Eshkenazy, and asked him, “who the hell are the pigs and dogs?”. He looked at me pityingly and replied, “you and me darling... the Christians and the Jews.”
WOW! I had never seen myself as a pig or a dog!... more like a CAT, as I am a Leo! In Islam, to call someone a pig or a dog, is one of the most offensive insults you can give.
Anyway . . .that lesson has remained in my memories and is as clear today, as it was then.
Muslims have NEVER stopped fighting the Crusaders, or The People of the Cross, (nas el saleeb, or gemaat el kitab - which means the People of the Book, as they call us... either that, or “The Nazarenes,” when referring to Christians).
People these days are being taught that Christians and Jews lived in peace and harmony in Muslim lands far more than Muslims could live in Christian lands. This is an outright lie.
My Egyptian family were forced to pay the Jezeyah for centuries. This is the onerous tax that is levied by Muslims on all Christians and Jews living in Muslim lands. They are forced to pay this tax on pain of death by beheading. They are also forced to accept great humiliation each year when they pay and are reminded of the death sentence that awaits failure to pay. (In Australia, this ‘slave’ tax is exacted through the Halal Certification program, seen on almost every single packaged food product in Australia.)
Eventually, my Egyptian family could no longer pay the Jezeyah. They had been paying it for centuries but finally, there was just no money left. When that happened, the Muslims confiscated all our ancestral land, all our assets and left my family in abject poverty. It is a very difficult and painful thing for me, to think about this. 
I only recount it to tell others of the fate that awaits them should Muslims ever become a majority in this country.
If that were to happen, I am convinced that the Muslims would quickly vote the Aussies out of power and what happened to me, would soon be happening to your children. I have been telling people for years, that once Muslims have the numbers, they will take over positions of power in government, and they will marginalise us. I have lost many friends over this contentious issue, but I know I am right. 
It started when a Muslim Pollie entered government by swearing on the Quran.
The Quran is very clear in its directive - Quran (3:28) - "Let not the believers Take for friends or helpers Unbelievers rather than believers: if any do that, in nothing will there be help from Allah: except by way of precaution, that ye may Guard yourselves from them. But Allah cautions you (To remember) Himself; for the final goal is to Allah." The word 'friend' is Awliyaa which is inclusive of friends, protectors and helpers - the components of civil society. See also verse 5:51
I am appalled that our current Pollies have no notion of international history, no notion of what makes other nationalities tick. No notion of their mindset, their traditions etc. As other Pickering Posters have rightly said, Westerners assume that other people in the world are like them.
When the Poms were expelled from Egypt, it took a very short space of time for the infrastructure to start falling apart. The first thing I noticed, and I was just a kid, was the dirty smelly water running down the streets. Apparently, the sewage system had broken down, and nobody knew how to fix it - no Poms to guide and teach them anymore!
As for myself, I was no shrinking violet and had to learn to defend myself on the streets of Cairo, where my private parts got grabbed and groped. I figured, "well, two can play at this game." 
I took to watching the eyes of the men around me, and if I saw even the slightest hint of intent, I attacked first, by lunging forward, grabbing a handful of their private parts which I could discern quite clearly through their djellebahs, and then twisting with all my might. 
They ended up on the ground at my feet, screaming with pain. It only happened twice, but never again . . .the story got around of my ferocity, they called me el shaitana (which means “the she devil”). My Egyptian grandmother would have died if she had known! Fortunately, my mother was out of the country, she never knew either.
I don't think this is a good story to tell. It is my story and my burden, which I managed to live with and survived.
My understanding of Muslim intent, came through my adventurous forays on wagging school. I used to slip out of my boarding school on Saturday afternoons and go wandering around a bazaar called Khan el Khalili. 
This bazaar was started in the 1300s by the dreaded Turks and is still going strong today. It is a place of amazing colour, incredible mouth-watering aromas of delicious Middle Eastern cooking, a great visual bonanza of masses of gold and silver jewellery hanging from little doorways, pottery, mountains of brass pots and pans, and an endless cacophony of sound and speech of the shoving, pushing humanity, the whole overlaid with the incessant wailing of Arabic music.
I met a man who was always busy making lovely ladies' sandals, with his myriad bits of coloured strips of leather. I was fascinated with his deftness, his choice of colours, how he put it all together, creating his sandals before my very eyes. 
He noticed me standing there, and offered me a little three-legged stool, so I could sit and watch him at work. The next time I went and sat with him, he offered me Tamar Hindi Sharbat - (same as Sherbet in English), a drink made of Tamarind seed, which is steeped in water, to create a refreshing drink. In Arabic, they call it Tamar Hindi . . . I can't understand why, ‘Hindi’ because it is not an Indian tree but a north African one!!
Anyway, the little Muslim fella started talking to me, he told me he knew I was a Christian, that he had a daughter my age, and that if he thought she was wondering about in a souk (bazaar), he would have a heart attack. 
He told me that Muslims are given instructions on how to get to heaven: humiliating, raping, or killing a Christian would give them a sure one-way ticket to paradise. Then he stuck his hand in the deep pocket of his djelebah and pulled out a knuckle duster, which he gave me with these words: ”don’t EVER let anyone do anything to you, that you don't want”.
I learnt to use that knuckle duster to great effect. If anyone came anywhere near me, I whacked them with my deadly weapon I was also able to defend myself from the young men who gathered outside my Catholic church to pelt me with stones when I came out from Mass. I used to collect the stones and pelt them back with deadly accuracy. I felt quite Crusaderish!! One time, instead of the stones, they tried to attack me from close up. I lashed out with my knuckle duster and floored two of . . .they were too scared. This was in faraway 1958/9 . . .just imagine what it is like today!
them. The others took off, hurling verbal insults at me as they went. None of the other churchgoers helped defend me
When I left Cairo for the last time in 1959, the Customs Officials at Cairo airport took the knuckle duster from me.
So, just imagine what coming to Australia and learning that I could walk down the street without getting groped and grabbed and spat upon meant to me!! I was in paradise!! I was in a civilised country! I was in a Christian country! I was with other people like me! I could open my mouth without getting jailed for it! I could walk down the street with a short-sleeved shirt and short skirt without being told I was a whore, just asking to be raped! 
My kids could grow up and be whatever they wanted to be, without fear of being ostracised because they were Christians. Wow!! The very joy of being in this wondrous country is beyond descriptive words. People who haven't 'been there', HAVE NO IDEA!!
I've been gone from Egypt since 1959, but the fear is back, now that things have drastically changed in Oz . . .and I am 75 this year! I still have people dear to me in Cairo. 
They get traumatised every day of their lives, on the streets, during Christian festivities, etc ad infinitum et nauseam. Every Christmas and Easter, my soul shivers in dread fear for them. Even for myself, Australia is now full of these demented, vicious Muslims, who wouldn't think twice about making my life a misery... I don't care so much about myself but have to think of the rest of my family.
This insane idea of mass immigration is not about ‘refugees’, this is a bloody invasion, coordinated by the Muslim Leaders. This is something that was planned approximately 800 years ago, after the last Crusade, like Mr Salama told me all those years ago.
If Australians don’t wake up soon to the insane, self-destructive treasonous motives of our leaders, we will all find ourselves trapped in an Islamic hell hole and it will be too late to do something about it. 
I thank God for The Pickering Post and I thank Larry for his efforts to bypass the lying, corrupt media and tell the truth to the Australian people. So many people are afraid to speak out through insane Politically Correct accusations of racism.
I am a wog! How is a wog racist? I am not a racist, I am a realist, and I can see the horrendous danger our Pollies are putting us into. We came to Australia to be safe, to leave behind the horrors of our youth.
But I won’t be silenced. I will shout this from the rooftops with my dying breath.
“Wake up Australia and stop the mass immigration of Muslims into your wonderful country before it is too late!”
Marie Hudson

Friday, March 16, 2018

“We Are Not Visitors”: Muslims Proclaim as They Take Over SWEDEN !

The Vaxjo Muslim Foundation, led by Ismail Abu Helal in Sweden, has recently submitted an application to play a call to prayer on Fridays that would ring out through the streets.
They want to recite the Azan, the Muslim call to prayer, on Fridays to signal to Muslims in Araby (a district in Sweden with a majority foreign-born population), that it is time to come worship at the mosque.
Muslims in Stockholm have already been granted this privilege and have been blasting this message of the Azan through the streets since March of 2013. One city at a time, Sweden is turning into a Muslim nation.
In the beginning of the call to prayer, “Allahu Akbar” (God is good) will be repeated four times. If this phrase sounds familiar, it is because Muslim terrorists often shout this before committing heinous crimes.
Then “Ashhadu an la ilaha illa allah” will be repeated twice, and this translates to; I bear witness there is no god except the one god. Muslims do not worship the Christian God that Sweden has for centuries.
Following that, “Ashadu anna Muhammadon Rasool Allah” will sound off twice, and this translates to; I bear witness that Muhammad is the messenger of God.
Then more Muslim gibberish, “Hayya ala-s-Salah” repeats twice and translates; Rise up to prayer or hurry to the prayer. Next, “Hayya ala-l-Falah” sounds off twice which translates as; Rise up for salvation.
Finally, it will end with “Alluha Akbar” sounding off twice more, followed by “La ilaha illa Allah”
Sweden has freedom of religion much like the United States does, however, both countries are fundamentally Christian, and the majority worship the Christian God.
Values are also drawn in both nations from their Christian Heritage.
The values of Islam do not align with those of Christianity. Muslim countries around the world display their incompatibility with western values.
While most Muslim nations are third world countries where you would expect some obscene practices to take place, places such as the United Arab Emirates that are not incredibly poor, continue to carry on the practices of Islam that are incompatible with civilized societies.
Allowing Muslims in Sweden to broadcast this message which praises Muhammad runs contrary to the values, including women liberties and rights that Sweden claims to stand for. Sweden has the second highest incedence of rape cases after Nigeria!  Time for deportations to begin.....
Muhammad married a little girl at the age of six and consummated the marriage when she was only nine. This filth comes straight from their holy text, the Quran.
Without drastic measures taken, Sweden faces more than just a cultural shift toward a sinister religion. Sweden is facing a demographic replacement of their people. Swedish men and women are not having children at the rate of the Muslim masses they have let in from the Middle East and Africa.
What’s more, the people of Sweden are paying for their own dispossession of the land their ancestors occupied for thousands of years.
Sweden has one of the most generous welfare states on the planet, and the hordes that have migrated there are being given free housing, education, healthcare, food, and cash, which they are consuming at a vastly disproportional rate.
Sweden has taken in too many Muslims from the third world and kowtowing to their interest is a detriment to their people and the future of their nation. If current trends continue, Islam will have conquered Sweden without having to fire a single bullet.
Muslims decry, “We are not visitors…this is our home.” They have no intention of returning to their homeland, although presumably they were accepted as refugees under the assumption when their countries became safe they would return.
The government seems poised to allow this new region to broadcast the Muslim call to prayer throughout another city. Pia Ringus, the woman handling the case said, “As I see it, it will be hard for us to say no…”  In reality, Switzerland has shown the way by banning minarets on mosques.
The Way I See It.......the Swedish government has all but abandoned the interest of their people in favor of a replacement population.
Their only hope seems to lie in the current rise of right-wing political parties that have argued against the mass immigration and Islamization of their country.
If Sweden does not act fast, within a few years there will be Muslim prayer calls from coast to coast throughout the entire country, and eventually, it may look like some cities in America, such as Hamtramck, that have mosques currently broadcasting the call to prayer throughout the streets five times a day, seven days a week, starting at 6 a.m. This is the Sound of Domination !