Wednesday, November 29, 2017

The MYTH of the ''NOBLE SAVAGE'' Vindicates COLUMBUS !

Oct. 9 last month marks Columbus Day, a day to celebrate the life of Italian explorer Christopher Columbus who, sailing on behalf of Spain, “discovered” North America while searching for a new trade route to India in 1492, ultimately opening up the “New World” for exploration and settlement.
However, there are countless liberals who increasingly demand we, as a society, eschew celebrating Columbus Day and assert that the famed explorer was nothing more than an evil embodiment of Euro-centric white privilege and patriarchy that enslaved millions, and waged heartless genocide against the innocent and pure indigenous peoples who already occupied the lands of the New World.
According to The Daily Wire, that “genocide” was mainly the inadvertent introduction of a variety of infectious diseases that Eurasian peoples had largely built up an immunity to, but that indigenous peoples had never experienced, and were sadly decimated by — as Eurasian populations had once been before as well.
Setting that particular topic aside, the brain-dead liberals who demand we celebrate “Indigenous Peoples Day” instead of Columbus Day would have us believe that, prior to the murderous Columbus and his ilk arriving, the entirety of North America was one big, happy Utopia where everyone lived communally and got along with no troubles or conflict whatsoever.
The truth, however, is vastly different than that leftist revisionist history, according to historians interviewed by The Federalist. The indigenous peoples who populated the New World prior to the arrival of Europeans were arguably even worse than the hated white men who eventually conquered them, in terms of civility and wanton violence toward their enemies.
Indeed, far from things like slavery and genocide being introduced to the continent by Columbus and his successors, such acts of atrocity were already occurring widely among the various warring tribes of natives, who routinely enslaved, tortured, ritualistically slaughtered and even feasted upon their defeated enemies.
That’s right — many indigenous peoples practiced cannibalism upon those they had conquered and oppressed. Is that really what leftists want to celebrate? Don’t answer that.
“Long before the white European knew a North American continent existed, Indians of the Northern Plains were massacring entire villages,” explained George Franklin Feldman, author of the book “Cannibalism, Headhunting and Human Sacrifice in North America: A History Forgotten.”
“And not just killed, but mutilated,” Feldman added. “Hands and feet were cut off, each body’s head was scalped, the remains were left scattered around the village, which was burned.”
Tony Seybert, author of “Slavery and Native Americans in British North America and the United States: 1600 to 1865,” noted that the practice of slavery was already well-established in America prior to its discovery and subsequent settlement by the Europeans.
Seybert proceeded to explain that, upon the arrival of white settlers and the discovery by natives of their openness to purchasing slave labor, many native tribes were happy to sell their slaves to the new settlers and were eagerly involved in the slave trade that leftists condemn so vociferously.
Furthermore, aside from eating and enslaving their enemies, many indigenous peoples were also horrifically brutal to each other, slaughtering thousands for ritualistic purposes or merely to make a sadistic point that they had conquered their opposition.
According to the eyewitness testimony of a Jesuit missionary named Father Barthelemy Vimont, (below) who observed the Iroquois peoples in 1642, captives of the tribe had their fingers or hands cut off, were skinned alive and tortured for hours on end, then were scalped and mutilated in front of everyone.
To be sure, none of this is meant to broadly condemn the indigenous peoples of North America as a whole or to borrow a page from the left and falsely imply all European explorers were pure and innocent of their own accord, but to merely show human nature is the same as it has always been, all across the world and for all time, and no particular race or peoples have clean hands when it comes to committing atrocities against their fellow man.
The Way I See should keep this colorful history of the violent, brutal indigenous peoples in mind the next time a leftist demands we hold them up as an ideal while tearing down Columbus and other European explorers and settlers.
Please share this article on Facebook and Twitter so everyone can see how the “indigenous peoples” held up by the left really behaved toward their fellow man.

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