Note the name of the organisation leading the fight for same-sex marriage: Australian Marriage Equality. Note Greens MP Adam Bandt in Parliament: ''It is with great pride that I present the Marriage Equality Amendment Bill.'' Yes...that word-trick is to pretend that what same-sex marriage activists want is equality. To give gay people the same marriage rights as straight people. As my favourite journalist Andrew Bolt, from the Herald Sun Newspaper, points out, ''Same-sex activists don't seem to realize that gays have marriage equality already. A gay man is as free as straight man to marry a woman. A lesbian is as free as any other woman to marry a man. THAT'S EQUALITY! ''

In a virtually unreported decision last month, Justice Jane Jagot rejected a claim by a prominent gay activist Simon Margan that state laws banning the registration of same-sex marriages were a breach of the Sex Discrimination Act. Margen was wrong, found the judge: ''There cannot be discrimination by reason of the sex of a person because in all cases, the treatment of the person of the opposite sex is the same. Hence, a man cannot enter into the state of marriage as defined with another man just as a woman cannot enter into a state of marriage with another woman as defined.'' What Margan wanted was not equality, but a new form of marriage, said Justice Jagot. ''By statutory definition, persons of the opposite sex may marry and persons of the same sex may not.''
Even though linking same-sex marriage to bestiality was a stretch and a shocker, Bernardi, in the Senate last week, gave fresh evidence suggesting his warning was well-founded when it comes to polygamy: ''Three weeks ago in a Sydney paper, it reported on the establishment of the Polygamy Action Lobby (PAL) that started a petition which reads;
The House of Representatives for too long has denied Australian people the right to marry the ones they care about. We find this abhorrent. We believe that everyone should be allowed to marry their partners, and that the law should never be a barrier to love. And that's why we demand nothing less than the full recognition of polyamourous families.
So here we have it: a polyamorist lobby group petitioning Parliament to allow polygmous marriage. To some, five months ago this was inconceivable. So who is behind the PAL? I will tell you. They are all associated with the Greens! The two founders are listed as Brigitte McFadden, as its contact officer, and Timothy Scriven, described as an''anarchist and revolutionary libertarian socialist'', which both are members of the Young Greens at the University of Sydney. Polyamorous marriage is on the agenda. Greens activists are now pushing publicly for it while other polyamorists are lying low, waiting to be the next cab off the rank--no doubt, I suspect, having been given a nod and a wink by other deadshits advocating marriage for all. God, even the bloody Muslims want to get into the act! There are calls for the recognition of polgamy from Shekh Khalil Chami of the Islamic Welfare Centre and Keysar Trad of the Islamic Friendship Association in Sydney.
The Way I see It....the redress for these circumstances lies in the political and not the legal arena because what would be required is a change to the definition of ''marriage'' in the Marriage Act. It was nice that Justice Jagot exposed the word games being played by these low-lifes. Neil Foster, an associate professor in law at Newcastle University, agrees. ''The equality argument is fundamentally misconceived,'' he says, ''The call to allow same-sex marriage is legitimately seen as not a claim against discrimination, but a claim to change the nature of marriage.''
Some of you may want change and many do not. Fine. Let's debate. But ditch that deceptive talk of ''equality'' and be honest about what we deciding. I have a feeling Senator Bernardi may be right after all.
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