In fact, Flannery was on the morning Today Show yesterday sprueking his Commission's report as gospel. But Karl Sefanovic questioned his ''high-and-mightiness'' about his 2007 pontification that climate change would reduce rainfall so ''even the rain that falls isn't actually going to fill our damns and our river systems.'' Which he continued saying this in 2008 and 2009 until the heavy rains and ensuing floods of 2010-11 shut him up. But when questioned yesterday he adamantly stated he was misquoted! ''I said the dams 'may' not fill again,'' he said. Such gall.
When questioned by Leigh Sales on the ABC the night before, she reiterated that the main temperature measures show no statistically significant warming of the world for some 17 years. Flannery implicitly pulled a ''yes-but'' response by saying, ''In a sense what you're saying is correct, Leigh.....but there has been no plateau. Ninety percent of the heat that is trapped by man-made greenhouse gases goes into the ocean, and when you look at the whole of the Earth, we're seeing a very strong warming trend. The heat imbalance is still there....it has to go somewhere and that's into the oceans.'' (Uh, really Tim? You're delusional!)

Here are the sea surface temperature figures for the past decade on your left. As Professor Roy Spencer notes, ''.....they should be useful for monitoring signs of ocean surface warming, which appears to have stalled since at least the early 2000s.'' Sadly, Sales did not ask Flannery, now flogging a disgracefully alarmist report under the suggestive tile ''Angry Summer'', to account for his previous dud prediction that global warming will stop those rivers from flooding and dams from filling. This report of his commission makes claims largely on the basis of a single two-week heat wave that broke some records. Of course with the heat came the bush fires.
The Way I See It....the subsequent heavy rains and flooding that we also experience are an historical reality. Back in the 1970-80s these January-February deluges were a common occurrence. Professor Ole Humlum's summary of world temperature data suggests Flannery's Climate Commission in hyping Australia's ''Angry Summer'' is ''engaged in the most outrageous cherry picking to fuel warming hysteria. The whole of 2012 was actually only Australia's 39th warmest year since 1910.''
Generally, on average, global air temperatures were near the 1998-2006 average, although with big regional differences. The Southern Hemisphere was mainly at or below average 1998-2006 conditions. The only important exceptions to this is represented by southern Africa and Australia, which experience temperatures above the 1998-2006 average. The Antarctic continent was near or slightly above the temperature average and built up a lot of snow pack. The global oceanic heat content has been stable since 2003. All this suggests that the heat wave in late January and early February was not climate but weather. The Summer wasn't angry at all, but you should be. The Climate Commission deserves to be abolished immediately and Tim Flannery told to take-a-hike!
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