In 2010, Arthur Webb & Paul Kench, using historical aerial photographs and satellite images, published results which showed that 23 out of 27 Pacific Islands had either remained intact or had grown in area. Some had grown dramatically. The researchers told the BBC: ''That rather gloomy prognosis for these nations is incorrect. It has been thought that as the sea level goes up, the islands will drown. But they won't. When or if the sea level goes up, the islands will start responding.'' In fact, they pointed out that the islands of Tuvalu, Kiribati and the Federated States of Micronesia are among those which have grown, assisted by accumulated coral debris, and sediment. They added, ''We have now got the evidence to suggest that the physical foundation of these countries will still be there in 100 or more years.'' Noted was the relative sea-level rise at Takuu Island and the Carteret Islands. Both groups are on the submarine Ontong Java Plateau, where the sea-level rise can be attributed to tectonic subsidence.
Alarmist messages about catastrophic anthropogenic global warming and dangerous sea level rise stems from the thoroughly discredited U.N.'s IPCC statements and are promoted by a number of vested interests. EcoFascist Alarmists cries have been used as emotional and unsubstantiated arguments for a carbon (dioxide) tax and compensation for islanders to be paid by power-hungry Western nations. The purported plight of Kiribati and Tuvalu are now seen as useful vehicles to promote the Australian Government's agenda. We can only hope the lack of global warming over the past 17 years and no real rise in sea level might sink into the dogmatic minds of this government. Thankfully an election is coming in September and with the idiot Julia Gillard defeated, the coalition promised to wipe out the climate change bureaucracy that grew during her years in power.

The Way I See It....unvalidated computer model predictions of future global warming and sea-level rise provide no scientific basis for evacuation from low-lying Pacific Islands. It appears that the IPCC and CSIRO, backed by Al Gore, are committed to sea-level alarmism. Both organizations, presumably because of political and financial interests, find it difficult to concede that their predictions are not supported by available science and are unmitigated Bullshit.
The Deputy Prime Minister of Tuvalu, Tavau Teii, argued in a speech to the United Nations saying that; ''Tuvalu is seeking new funding arrangements to protect us from the impacts of climate change. Rather than relying on aid money we believe that the major greenhouse polluters should pay for the impacts they are causing.'' I can see why anyone living on an over-populated island with limited income, sewage, along with fresh water problems, would certainly want to improve their lot. Blaming Australia for producing trivial amounts of non-polluting, life-giving carbon dioxide, leading to imaginary catastrophic global warming and dangerous sea-level rise might well be a scheme of some merit. No global warming and related sea-level alarm would mean NO compensation claims from island nations. Stick to your coconut harvesting guys, and don't think about migrating to Australia...please!
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