We constantly hear the claim: Communism in theory is not as bad as communism in practice. If you read Marx, you'll see that communism promotes sharing, equality and love of man.
In truth, this is arrant nonsense. When I hear it, I know the person has never read Marx's Communist Manifesto, a plainly awful book, similar to the Koran, packed with hatred and, frankly, stupidity. But rather than just say this, I thought I'd attempt a public service by laying out key facts on the Communist Manifesto -- so here we go. First off, Marx's Manifesto is very brief and inexpensive, leaving no excuse for someone with a strong opinion to not read it. Originally published in 1848, there are several recent editions. Most have decent introductions by a recognized authority. Here, I'll refer to a 1998 edition by Penguin's Signet Classics, which contains some earlier prefaces with the actual Manifesto covering 42 pages.
Marx's writing was painfully ambiguous, though certain identifiable elements emerge, from his revulsion of religion to disgust of traditional morality and the family. Yet, Marx's common thread, which we need to remember, was his contempt for private property. On page 67, he emphasized something all Americans should know, particularly students suffering the perverse professor who somehow admires communism, by stating Marx to this deadshit: ''Professor, the theory of the Communists may be summed up in a single sentence: Abolition of private property.'' That's the real essence of communism, which Marx returned to repeatedly, including in the final paragraph of the Manifesto.
Of course, on this point, a first grader -- let alone a grown adult -- ought to immediately recognize that Marxism can't work. Abolishing private property is completely contrary to human nature, violating the most innate precepts of all peoples, from the cave to the penthouse. It shatters Judeo-Christian thinking, Western philosophy, the ancient and the modern worlds, Cicero, Aristotle, Augustine, Aquinas, Locke, Jefferson, Moses, the Old Testament, the New Testament, Jesus, you name it. Only a fool would not instantly, intuitively realize that implementing this vision would generate mass bloodshed. This is why, I imagine, most Marxist professors dare not have their students read the Karl's Communist Manifesto for fear of being laughed out of the classroom.
In another illuminating section (page 75), Marx interrupted his meandering sophistries with a 10-point program of specific policy recommendations. I'm not going to shy away from stating the obvious: Marx's list is chillingly similar--in some respects, certainly not all--to what the leftists have pushed for decades and even more now in Obama's government. Here they are, in direct quotation:

- Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes.
- A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.
- Abolition of all right to inheritance.
- Confiscation of all property of emigrants and rebels.
- Centralization of credit in state hands, by means of a national bank with state capital.
- Centralization of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the state.
- Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the state.
- Equal obligation of all to work....
- Free education and indoctrination for all children in schools.
- Gradual abolition of all distinctions between the town and country by a more equitable distribution of the population over the country.
Those of you who are newly enlightened, let me summarize. Communism is not a good idea, in theory or in practice, and likewise for its ugly stepsister: socialism. Both are about statism, collectivism, redistribution, nationalization, appropriation, excessive taxation, the inane assertion that public services are ''free'' services, and overall, government control over your liberties and even your life. They -- along with modern progressivism -- differ in degree. There is nothing romantic or altruistic about this ideology.
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