The poor Republicans, besmirched by Obama's campaign managers, the Obama asskissing press as well as the ratbag President blaming them for failing to stop automatic spending cuts which he agreed upon but wanted to weasel out of by tacking on increased taxes. Republicans don't control the U.S. Senate so instead of wasting time and energy in doomed efforts to defeat President Obama's Cabinet nominees or sucking up to illegal aliens, why not focus on issues where Republicans can by off-the-charts popular while forcing Democrats into taking stupid positions.
After the slaughters at Virginia Tech, Aurora, Colorado, and Newtown, Connecticut, every sentient person knows we need to do something about institutionalizing the mentally ill and at the very least -- keeping guns out of their hands. That happens to be impossible right now because liberal, do-gooders closed the institutions. Involuntary commitments even for the severely psychotic went the way of vagrancy laws. Although federal law technically requires background checks to include records of mental illness, the states and mental health industry refuse to provide that information.
Of course, the vast majority of mentally disturbed individuals are not dangerous. But looking at it from the other end, more than half of all mass murder is committed by the mentally ill. Gun ownership doesn't lead to random murder rampages, mental illness does. And the good news for Republicans is: Democrats will only pretend to support keeping guns out of the hands of dangerous psychotics, while working frantically to gut and undermine such measures. Liberals have a fear of ''stigmatizing'' the fruitcakes more than they fear another mass murder. Instead of proposing serious reforms, the Democrats play politics by demonizing responsible gun owners and the Republicans who defend them.

After the Virginia Tech shooting, an poll showed that while Americans remain dubious about the effect of more gun control laws, 83% supported requiring states to provide information on the mentally ill for gun background checks. Since then, the mentally deranged have continued committing mass shootings. There is still no way to prevent them from buying guns. It is outrageous that the pure gutlessness of politicians has allowed the idiots in the ACLU to interfere with the public's safety. They all have blood-on-their-hands! Read my December 20th Posting entitled, ''Mental Health Bill Could've Stopped Shooter !'' for the full story.
The Way I See It....Republicans should take a good hard look at the way things stack up against them and change direction. Here's some avenues for success:
- Stop pushing amnesty for illegal aliens; 80% of Americans ferociously oppose you.
- Stop pointlessly opposing Obama's nominess; 99% need a supply of NoDoz just to listen.
- Stop staking out Amnesty International's position on the president's hypothetical ability to use a drone strike on an ''American citizen.'' 70% of Americans are against you on this.
- Keep opposing the Democrats' idiotic proposals on gun control; 60-70% support you, but the other 30-40% will hate you because they want to ''Do Something.''
- Keep proposing the involuntary commitment of dangerous psychotics and implementing measures to prevent them from obtaining guns; 83% of Americans support you and will be furious at Democrats for supporting ACLU for trying to undercut such laws.
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