Here's an Editorial By Doug Giles on the Clash Daily Blog Site Yesterday:
Dear Black Thugs: You're Making It Hard For Us White Devils to Believe You're Really Innocent Children !
According to the lame-stream Media, President Obama and the slick-haired Al Sharpton, we white devils are supposed to feel sorry for the plight of the black teen. I do believe Americans, by and large, do have sympathy for any person or group who've had life deal them a bad hand.
However, young black thugs, you have got to work with us a little bit because you're kind of operating against the storyline the aforementioned are singing about y'all, and thus, making t difficult for us to soulfully commiserate. Of what, pray tell, do I speak ???
Well, homeboys, it goes like this: For us to give a crap about your below-par existence we'd like to hear less and less about.....
= Your ghastly grades in school = Your ridiculous dropout rates
= Your colossal out of wedlock birthrates = Your love affair with drugs and alcohol
= Your #hatethem tweets at white people = Your flash mobbing & robbing places
= Your ginormous, misplaced racial chip on your shoulder
= Your audacity to blame everybody and their dog for your odious behaviour
= Your embracing of a musical culture (rap-crap) that celebrates the of shooting cops and doing filthy things to someone's daughter.
Yes, if you could/would chill on some of that stuff, well...that'd be great. That would make us ''crackers'' think, ''Hey, maybe you're serious about getting out of the ditch you're in.'' But, another difficult thing that makes it hard to believe you're just poor, helpless victims of the ''machine'' is when a couple of deadshits from your cesspool gun down an innocent, twenty-two-year-old, white Aussie student just to spice up the inherent boredom which accompanies the dog-days of summer. Yep, that heinous stunt really makes all this ''poor you'' crap fly right out of our windows.

Yes, the brutal murder of someone's grandpa and the senseless slaying of someone's son by black thugs does nothing but reinforce what the FBI National Crime Victimization Survey concluded, namely, that young black males are seven times more likely to commit murder than people of other races. And those assholes up in New York City are protesting the STOP and FRISK program since it profiles blacks and Hispanics. Suck it up people, that program significantly dropped NYC's crime rate since it started and your feelings be damned! Look...let's face it, we can't help being suspicious of young black teens, traveling in groups (packs), taking an unusual interest in our person, especially if they're dressed like gangbangers in their oversized Hoodies. The reality is too overwhelming.
The Way I See It.....Martin Luther King must be spinning in his grave to see how his ''dream'' of 50 years ago has been turned into a nightmare, by white Democrats, who have caused his people to grow lazy, promiscuous and feeling ''entitled'' by years of irresponsible welfare handouts.
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