The word SLUT comes to mind. Anyway, if you're unfamiliar with term, ''twerking'' is a dance move that dispenses with all the other subtleties of dance to deliver pelvic trusts and butt wiggles. CBS left out the part where young Miley grabbed a form finger from an audience member and began rubbing it against her crotch. She wound up simulating a bit of anal penetration with Ms Loring's son, who was singing with her on stage. And the ''bears'' in the act were dancers dressed like children's Teddy Bears, adding a lovely touch of paedophilia chic to the show.

What would have been controversial is if she was supposed to sing and dance modestly, endorsing abstinence, traditional marriage and self-discipline, but the people marketing her music wouldn't like it. It's hard to squeeze cash from rebellious teenagers with message like that, and all the wrong people would have applauded. I would also advise you not to underestimate the importance of the paedophile edge to Miley's routine.(See Posting ''The Agenda to Legalise Paedophilia'' (February 16, 2013) Sexualizing young people is an important mission of the Left. They want girls to jump right from Teddy Bears to Planned Parenthood. That helps dissolve the bonds of family, which is a fading bastion of independence, self-reliance, and decency against collective power. It's important for the ''Ozzie and Harriet'' crowd to feel utterly marginalized, as unwelcome in 2013 as the pilgrims of Plymouth Rock. We are supposed to accept that the world has forever moved on from those days.

You see, parents can't control their kids -- indeed, their influence is expressly unwelcome when it comes to sexual training, where the concept of ''parental consent'' has become as antique as the pocket watch or bustle. Liberal (read Leftist) culture defines wanton sexuality and the rejection of family authority as ''empowerment.'' It softens people up for hardcore government dependency when they're forced to stop twerking and face the consequences. Also, sexy children make a nice distraction for the older members of the Low Information Voter (LIV) community, who crave transgression and worship youth, working as hard as possible not to grow up.
Miley Cyrus was on the bill with Lady Gaga, who is supposed to be the second coming of the aging Madonna. Lady Gaga is said to have been ''upstaged'' by Miley's re-enactment of a Japanese schoolgirl porn video, because all poor Gaga could think to do was dress up as a nun. What kind of rebellion against authority is that? Nuns are so pre-ObamaCare. Religious conscience has given way before the power of the Almighty State . Nuns are just marking time until they're legally compelled to perform abortions.

The Way I See It.....we never should have forgotten the potent connection between thought and expression, the importance of habit and ritual. It is difficult to treasure what a saturation media culture treats like trash. And it doesn't help that the law of diminishing returns obliges the people who dug our cultural pit to dig more frantically as the hole grows deeper, madly searching for whatever flickers of shock value might still be left to uncover.
Societies die from thousands of cultural cuts. Children are powerfully influenced by popular culture. They yearn for guidance and inspiration from the adult world. They receive the lesson transmitted by crap like the MTV Video Music Awards. Kids a bit younger than Miley remember what she used to be, and they see how she is now. They see the road stretching between those points, and they follow it. Unfortunately, they don't understand that if you want to live a hedonistic anything-goes lifestyle, starting before you are legally allowed to purchase alcohol, and avoid being destroyed by the consequences, it really helps to be a millionaire.
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