With vaccination rates continuing to fall each and every year as more parents hear of the dangers of vaccination, they delay or forgo shots entirely for their children. So now authorities are blaming unvaccinated children for putting the population at large at risk or worse, for outbreaks themselves. This relentless blame game being played out in the media and at doctor's offices has caused some parents of vaccinated children to fear and look down on the unvaccinated children as potential harbingers of disaster for society and even lash out in rage at parents who choose not to vaccinate.
Note the following comment posted in The Healthy Home Economist page by on such parent who views unvaccinated children as almost in the same league as rabid dogs:
''If you do not vaccinate, please home school. I do not want your child to make a pregnant woman lose her pregnancy, or hurt an immunocompromised child. Your freedom ends at the tip of my nose. Vaccines work on a population basis, not an individual basis. Its a public health issue, not an individual health issue. You can drink til your liver is pickled, but stay off the roads we drive. People really do die from childhood diseases and I have not seen my children get these illnesses because the majority of our kids have been vaccinated and not because they are lucky.''
Most alarming about an irrational comment like this is that it is based on completely wrong information -- a myth which is being perpetrated for the sole (financial) benefit of the pharmaceutical industry. What better way to keep Mr and Mrs Jones vaccinating Junior than through good old fashioned peer pressure? The fear that their next door neighbour won't let Johnny come over and play because he isn't ''vaxed'' is a very powerful influence of behavior is it not?
Herd Immunity never applied to vaccine induced immunity! The original definition of herd immunity applied to the protective effect that occurred when a population contracted and recovered naturally from infections. Natural immunity lasts a lifetime whereas vaccine induced immunity does not. Short term and highly inferior vaccine-induced immunity in a highly vaccinated population cannot in any way be compared with natural immunity acquired by the same group of people.
The herd immunity myth as it is applied to vaccine-induced immunity took hold decades ago when vaccination proponents argued that vaccines provide lifelong immunity in the same was as natural immunity. When this was shown NOT to be true, booster shots were introduced to keep vaccine immunity from ''wearing off.'' To the dismay of vaccination authorities, outbreaks still occur in groups of children who have been fully vaccinated and receiving booster shots. Hence, the convenient blame game and finger pointing that is occurring with unvaccinated children said to be the ''cause of such outbreaks.''

He continues, ''If we listen to present-day wisdom, we are ALL at risk of resurgent massive epidemics should the vaccination rate fall below 95%. Yet, we have all lived for at least 30-50 years with 50% or less supposed protection. That is, herd immunity has not existed in America for many decades and no resurgent epidemics have occurred. Vaccine-induced herd immunity is a LIE used to frighten doctors, public-health officials, other medical personnel, and the public into accepting vaccinations.''
The Way I See It.....If you are a parent who chooses to vaccinate and put this crap (like genetically modified yeast, animal, bacterial & viral DNA, MSG, formaldehyde, aluminium, polysorbate 80, calf gelatin, phenol and glutaradehyde) in your lovely child's veins and subsequent tissue cells, please be aware that the concept of herd immunity as it is erroneously applied to vaccines is being used to manipulate you into using scorn and fear to pressure family and friends within your circle of influence into accepting vaccination against their will.
Is this really the kind of flawed, divisive, misleading and highly misguided public health initiative you want to be a part of? I have written a number of postings about vaccines, the most recent was this month with ''AUTISM: The Elephant in Your Doctor's office'' (April 1) as well as ''SURVEY: Vaccinated Children Prone To More Disease" (March 19th).
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