The Clexit Coalition today called on President Trump to keep his election promise to withdraw from the Paris Climate Treaty and stop US payments to all UN global warming programs.
The Clexit (ClimateExit) Coalition, comprising over 175 representatives from 25 countries, aims to prevent ratification or local enforcement of the UN Paris climate treaty.
The Secretary of Clexit, Mr Viv Forbes of Australia, said that all nations will suffer from the destructive energy policies being promoted in the UN’s war on cheap, reliable hydro-carbon fuels and the backbone industries that rely on them – mining and smelting, farming, fishing, forestry, processing and manufacturing.
He was supported by Professor Will Happer, Professor of Physics at Princeton University who said today:
“Americans never felt compelled to sign up to international folly in the past. I hope the United States once again shows the common sense of its people and walks away from the Paris Agreement.”
Dr Willie Soon of Clexit USA, an astro-physicist and climate author, added:
“There is no free energy in the real world. All world leaders, not only President Trump, should stop promoting the empty game of energy poverty and deaths.”
Dr Tim Ball, the Regional Director of Clexit Canada, said: ''Unfortunately, we have our brainwashed PM, Justin Trudeau, in our country pushing the hoax.''
He added; “President Trump knows he must keep the promises made at his public rallies. For example, he made the commitment to get out of Paris in his Harrisburg Pennsylvania speech:
"This includes deals like the one-sided Paris Climate Accord, where the United States pays billions of dollars while China, Russia and India have contributed nothing and will contribute nothing.”
Mr Forbes said that the war on natural hydro-carbon fuels is denying the poorest people and nations of the world the chance of better paying jobs, cheaper energy and more abundant food.

There is no justification for the War on carbon dioxide – CO2 does not drive global temperature and Earth’s climate cannot be tweaked by erecting windmills or putting taxes on carbon dioxide.
CO2 is naturally sequestered by oceans and the biosphere. Burning natural hydrocarbons merely recycles Earth’s carbonaceous nutrients vital to all life - already world food production and global forests have benefited from the small increases in carbon dioxide plant food in Earth’s atmosphere.
See: World forests just grew 9%:
See: World forests just grew 9%:
President Trump promised to exit the Paris Treaty, but he also needs to de-fund and exit all UN climate control bureaucracies.
Tom Harris of the Canadian-based International Climate Science Coalition has said that the President needs to dig up the roots of Paris – the UN Framework on Climate Change signed by President H. W. Bush and others in Rio in 1992.
The Way I See It......the root mass of every weed is as big as its branches. Everyone knows that pruning weeds just encourages more growth from the energised roots. All people who value freedom and prosperity must eradicate the UN Climate weeds, roots and all.
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