A German proverb says: “The wise man voluntarily does in good times that which the stupid man involuntarily has to do in bad times”, and Angela Merkel has avoided doing anything in good times that might puncture her popularity. TIME magazine even had the audacity of putting on their front cover making her Person-of-the-Year!
Euro powerhouses France and Germany, along with Italy and Greece have a history of flirting with communism. Of course it’s a dangerous ideology to embrace in a modern world but somehow liberals never tire of experimenting with it. And the Eurozone was ripe for experimentation.
In a recently published book titled “The First Life of Angela M” the author suggests, “She has had deeper ties to the communist regime than previously known or acknowledged.” She has admitted being a member of the Communist Youth Organisation, and a photo has surfaced showing her in a communist uniform. But the book argues that she hid her real role in the youth group, instead depicting herself as someone engaged in “Cultural Affairs”... the truth is that her role in the Organisation was “Secretary for Agitation and Propaganda”, a role Australia's (thankfully) ex-Prime Minister, Julia Gillard appointed herself to in the infamous Socialist Forum when she undertook, via her own manifesto, to infiltrate the Labor Party in order to move it closer to communist ideals.
But one of Merkel’s defenders said that she (Merkel), “Couldn’t remember” whether she was involved in “Agitation and Propaganda” or not. Hmmm.
Merkel, like our present (left-leaning) Malcolm Turnbull, enjoys an unrealistic approval rating. Merkel’s approval polling is in the Putin stratosphere with over 70 per cent of voters believing the sun shines out of her back bottom but she is dogged by a peculiar accusation that also applies to Turnbull:
She’s not doing enough to make herself unpopular.But her grand unilateral gesture of offering 800,000 “Syrian” refugees asylum is starting to affect her popularity with rightist groups springing up like mushrooms as the endless lines of unknown and unvettable Islamic refugees keep coming.
Almost five million Muslims are already resident in Germany and all European Muslims, along with Australian Muslims, boast a consistent 80 per cent that receive unemployment benefits or disability pensions plus an array of other entitlements including, child foster care, early learning allowances and housing assistance.
She doesn't seem to understand that Muslims will always gravitate to that part of the table where the sugar is thickest.Unsurprisingly Merkel’s popularity is starting to seriously tank— with a volatile third of all Germans now saying they want her to resign. Even more astonishing is that 14 per cent of her own Party also say they want her to go. So the rot is setting in for Angela as home-grown terrorism looks certain to rear its ugly head in Germany to an even greater degree. The deniers need only compare entrenched Islamic populations in Europe to contemporaneous terrorist activity.
Recently, there have been more than 500 racially motivated attacks including the fire-bombing of both empty and inhabited refugee centres, attacks on events for new refugees, and the destruction of churches and mosques that shelter migrants.
The socialist world refuses to see that Islamic immigration will inevitably lead to terrorist attacks on the accommodating nation... just ask the French, the Spaniards, English and the Belgians! But Parisian terrorism has had an unexpected upside for the hapless Socialist French President Francois Hollande. Unemployment is out of control and public debt has reached almost 100 per cent of gross domestic product. The European Commission is forecasting a further 0.1 per cent contraction to come in a nation already in recession after three out of four negative growth quarters.
"Hollande’s electoral platform was a disaster in terms of what could have been positives for the French economy", said chief economist of Axa Group, Eric Chaney. "The first decisions that were taken were taxes on labour, on capital, on capital gains...everything that could create value in the economy – so it should be no surprise that the economy is not doing well", he added. Only labour market reforms can reduce the 10.5 per cent unemployment rate but his diminishing electoral base is waiting to pounce if he dares touch sensitive IR.
His initial response to terrorism in Paris has gained him a few Brownie points but few believe Hollande will tackle terrorism seriously apart from bombing someone, anyone, in Syria’s north.
In Hollande’s France nothing will be done to halt the large swathes of Muslim neighborhoods that are now considered "no-go" zones by French police and electorally sensitive zones by Hollande. Police will not, and are not required to, enter these zones to clear out these "rats nests.''
There are now 751 (yep 751) Sensitive Urban Zones (Zones Urbaines Sensibles, ZUS), as they are politically correctly called.An estimated five million Muslims live in these ZUS, parts of France over which the French state has lost all control. I see a new revolution coming in 10 years when honest citizens have had enough of this infestation, even sooner as undoubtedly more terrorist attacks will anger every more citizens.
In Germany, where another five million Muslims reside, Chief Police Commissioner Bernhard Witthaut (photo right) revealed that Muslim immigrants are imposing "no-go" zones in cities across Germany at an alarming rate.
In the Netherlands, where over six per cent of the population are Muslim, a Dutch court ordered the Government to release to the public a “politically incorrect” list of 40 no-go zones in Holland.
In Britain, where over five per cent are Muslim, and where PM Cameron can’t get Parliament to approve of bombing ISIS, there has been a doubling of Muslims in ten years to almost three million. A Muslim group called “Muslims Against the Crusades” has launched a campaign to turn twelve British cities – including what it calls "Londonistan" – into independent Islamic states.
These so-called “Islamic States” will function as autonomous enclaves ruled by Islamic Shariah law and operate entirely outside British jurisprudence.The Islamic States Project names the British cities of Birmingham, Bradford, Derby, Dewsbury, Leeds, Leicester, Liverpool, Luton, Manchester, Sheffield, as well as Waltham Forest in northeast London and Tower Hamlets in East London as territories to be targeted for blanket Sharia rule.
Russia, which claims to have an extremely conservative figure of 14 million Muslims, mainly ethnic, is battling to defend Russian Orthodoxy against 5,000 mosques (a mere 500 in 1990) due to unchecked funds pouring in from Saudi Arabia and Qatar.
The Way I See It......once these Parisian Islamic atrocities have been dulled by time, like Charlie Hebdo and others, the Merkels and Hollandes will have sunk back into the Leftist cesspool known as the Euro disease of duckshoving blame for economic collapses and the rise in Islamic extremism.
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