Did you see that political debate ambush from, of all people, Fox News led by Megyn Kelly?? The mainstream media has desperately tried to destroy Donald Trump by defaming him with a barrage of made-up lies -- that's what the media does best -- suddenly all the journalists who tried to destroy Trump are befuddled by his inexplicable rise in the polls.

But it isn't inexplicable at all, it turns out. The American people are sick and tired of being constantly lied to by doublespeak politicians and Washington criminals like the Clintons and Bushes.
They're sick and tired of the McCain RINOs, the Biden clowns and the same old useless ideas of hope and change which always end up being "tyranny and impoverishment" with a heavy dose of government propaganda.
The American people, I submit, are on the verge of revolt. After suffering for 6+ years under the Obama regime, the American middle class is being systematically obliterated. Parental rights are being routinely trampled. Serious government corruption and criminality is exploding. People are less free, less wealthy and less happy about almost everything. The stock market is a manipulated mirage; the government's unemployment statistics are elaborate fiction; the executive branch of government is an out-of-control tyrannical regime; and the mainstream media is so full of hilarious lies and truly idiotic "journalists" that more and more people are just turning it off and discovering independent media instead.
To many, Trump is the right radical for a time of national desperation
In the midst of all this, Donald Trump arrives on the scene. He's rich... super rich!... which means he can't be bought off by corporate interests. He's bombastic and seemingly rude at times... yet the American people are tired of being lied to by false politeness and patronizing politicians. Trump doesn't surrender to the usual barrage of media-catapulted guilt trips and shaming attempts... instead, he fights back and doubles down.
(Then again, I did really appreciate seeing Ted Cruz cooking bacon on the barrel of his AR-15. A true Texan!)
So Trump has become an enigma to the lying mainstream media. They aren't used to people standing up for themselves and defying the usual MSNBC smirkathons and shame-fests. Lamestream media journalists are used to being able to shout down and embarrass all their political opponents, and until Trump came along, almost nobody had the balls to stand their ground and point out the idiocy of today's status quo.
Trump is viewed as a political gladiator for radical change
That's why people like Trump, I think. He's their fighter in the ring. He's the guy who gives the finger to Washington -- a gesture we'd all like to practice on a daily basis, of course. Trump isn't the guy you necessarily want to have over for dinner, and he's not the kind of personality you want marryingyour daughter. But that's not the role of a President in the first place (unless your name is Bill Clinton, in which case his job is to SLEEP with your daughter!).
Trump, I think, is increasingly seen as America's political gladiator, fighting in the political arena with a steadfastness that never really exists among career politicians. He's the kind of personality, in other words, that people want fighting for them when the going gets rough. Think about it: Who wouldn't want Trump on their team when the chips are down and it's time to battle for America? He may be kind of a jerk, but he's OUR jerk!
By the way, Mike Adams from NaturalNews recently launched Trump.news, the only independent media news aggregation site in the world that focuses entirely on Donald Trump. Headlines are updated every hour of the day and are gathered from over 5,000 news sites in near-real-time. Check it out to stay up to date on what the indy media is reporting on Donald Trump.
Too volatile to predict what happens next
Will this fascination with Trump last? No one can say. Trump is a lot less predictable than career politicians, of course. If he gets bored or ticked off with the whole process, he can simply remove himself from the brawl and go back to the world of business and real estate. Even if he quits tomorrow, he's already a legend just by standing up to the lamestream media's lies and defamation attempts.Or, to the horror of many on the right, Trump could deliberately throw this election to the Democrats by declaring himself a third-party candidate, revisiting the Ross Perot effect of getting Democrats elected by splitting the conservative vote.
Some people believe Trump is a deliberate distraction... maybe even a double agent... who's actually seeking to put Hillary Clinton into office. But I think that's a stretch. In my assessment, Trump shares the kind of "sick and tired" wake-up call that millions of other Americans are also experiencing. I think he's just fed up with the total incompetence of bad government, the tragically horrible diplomacy of the Obama regime (Iran deal, anyone?) and the criminality of the Clinton regime in particular. The fact that there are still Democrats on the left who support Hillary Clinton -- one of the most monstrous criminal politicians to ever occupy high public office in America -- just shows you how far gone this country already is.
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Clinton at the Benghazi hearings |
My guess is that Trump just wants to fight for America's interests and help prevent the nation from descending into "full retard" status. But what happens if Trump actually gets elected? That's a real wild card. Trump is used to barking orders to employees, not working the plodding, elaborate machinery of Washington's politics. He's not a "you pat my back and I'll pat yours" kind of guy. He's more like a, "You do what I say or I'll kick you in the balls" persona. He's the Hulk Hogan of politics, if you will. But is it all scripted like pro wrestling? There's no way to know...
A Clinton election will unleash a mass revolt across America
As a Texan, I can tell you that if Clinton gets elected to the White House, it will set off a conservative revolt that very likely involves the mass nullification of federal laws followed by serious talk of secession.Rural America, in particular, grows tired of working 60 hours a week just to send money to Washington so that they can redistribute it to entitlement recipients in America's collapsing (liberal) cities. The lies of socialism and Big Government simply can't be sustained much longer. Sooner or later, Big Government runs out of other people's money, after all.
Texas is right now the economic powerhouse of America. It has most of the nation's fastest-growing cities, most of the energy infrastructure, high technology, food production, business innovation and a climate for agriculture. Texas has about the same GDP as the entire nation of Canada, by the way, and when push comes to shove, Texas will shove back.
But getting back to Trump, if Trump gets elected, he's going to face the kind of barrage from the media that Jesse Ventura endured as the Governor of Minnesota. The merciless attacks on Ventura were all grounded in the mass media's outright hatred of anyone who spoke the truth on any subject at all.

The Way I See It.....Trump is of course far more experienced in the business world and has the benefit of several billion dollars of personal wealth to back him up. The lamestream media has already discovered they can't intimidate Trump, and the more they lie about him, the higher his popularity ratings skyrocket. They still can't figure out how to destroy him, so now the political games will take place with the state delegates, where the Bush camp has all the connections and influence.
Frankly, if Trump can overcome all that, he probably deserves to be President. What kind of President he might actually be is anybody's guess. He certainly won't be boring! Then again, neither was the Social-Organizer President from Chicago. God Help America if the Dimwits chose Hillary!
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