Allah has promised Israel to the Jews -- so says Sheikh Ahmad Adwan, a Muslim scholar living in Jordan, who declared on his Facebook page recently that "Palestine" doesn't exist.
Blogger Elder of Ziyon translated Arab news sources that this Saturday reported on Adwan's
statements, in which he quotes the Koran saying Allah assigned Israel to the Jews until the Day of Judgement (Sura 5 Verse 21), and that Jews are the inheritors of Israel (Sura 26 Verse 59).
"I say to those who distort...the Koran: from where did you bring the name Palestine, you liars, you accursed, when Allah has already named it 'The Holy Land' and bequeathed it to the Children of Israel until the Day of Judgment," argued Adwan. "There is no such thing as 'Palestine' in the Koran."
"Your demand for the Land of Israel is a falsehood and it constitutes an attack on the Koran, on the Jews and their land. Therefore you won’t succeed, and Allah will fail you and humiliate you, because Allah is the one who will protect them (i.e. the Jews)," warns Adwan.
The sheikh had more harsh words for the "Palestinians," calling them "the killers of children, the elderly and women" in using them as human shields in order to falsely accuse the Jews of targeting them. He reports having seen the same tactic used by "Palestinians" against the Jordanian army in the 1970s.
"This is their habit and custom, their viciousness, their having hearts of stones towards their children, and their lying to public opinion, in order to get its support," declared Adwan.
Adwan has previously said his support for the Jewish people "comes from my acknowledgment of their sovereignty on their land and my belief in the Koran, which told us and emphasized this in many places, like His (Allah’s) saying ”Oh People (i.e the Children of Israel), enter the Holy Land which Allah has assigned unto you'" (Sura 5, Verse 21).
The Jews are a peaceful people according to Adwan, who says "if they are attacked, they defend themselves while causing as little damage to the attackers as possible. It is an honor for them that Allah has chosen them over the worlds – meaning over the people and the Jinns (spiritual creatures) until the Day of Judgment. ...When Allah chose them, He didn’t do so out of politeness, and He wasn’t unjust to other peoples, it is just that they (the Jews) deserved this.”
The Way I See It......Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's election win today was primarily base on his appeal to right-wing voters when he declared definitively that if was returned to office he would never establish a Palestinian state. His reversal of a 2009 endorsement speech of a two-state solution comes coincides perfectly with Adwan's pronouncement of the Koran's specific reference to the non-existence of Palestine.
Mr. Netanyahu elaborated further by explaining; ''I think that anyone who is going to establish a Palestinian state today and evacuate lands is giving attack grounds to the radicals of Islam against the state of Israel.'' His new stance would further fray Mr Netanyahu's ruinous relationship with the Obama administration and heighten tension with European countries already frustrated with the stalled peace process. With his re-election, ''King Bibi'' as he is affectionately known, can draw upon Adwan's scholarly reputation to tell the alienated allies to ''Suck-It-Up.''
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