Our Prime Minister, Tony Abbott has finally taken aim at Islam with his statement that “no more benefit of the doubt” be given to Muslim leaders who lie about their intentions. Last year he was assured of “inclusive cooperation” from Islamic clerics who promised to reign in their radical youth. Of course they lied... and the grand master of lying is the self-styled grand mufti of Australia, Ibrahim Abu Mohammed (photo right).
Mr Abu Mohammed (he calls himself doctor) is an active supporter of the terrorist group Hizb ‘ut Tarir and has lashed out (via an interpreter of course) at Tony Abbott’s intention to ban it. Abu Mohammed has close ties with Hamas and has recently visited its leaders in Gaza, to promote the destruction of Israel.
He met with Hamas senior leader Ismail Haniyeh, who is on record as praising Osama Bin Laden. “I came here in order to learn from Gaza,” Mr Abu Mohammed said. “As I said in my speech, we will make the stones, trees, and people of Gaza talk, in order to learn steadfastness, sacrifice, and the defence of one’s rights from them. I am pleased to stand on the land of jihad to learn from its sons and I have the honour to be among the people of Gaza where the weakness always becomes strength, the few becomes many and the humiliation turns into pride”, he told local news agencies.
He also said of Australian troops in Afghanistan, “It is the nature of mankind that if there is any oppression upon any nation that our passions are inflamed and our emotions start to move and react.”
Hizb ‘ut Tarir has inexplicably been allowed to actively recruit “Muslims for the Islamic State” from within Australia. It has cleverly tried to avoid global scrutiny while spreading its vile ideology throughout South-East Asia and Pakistan with a huge influence among India’s 172 million Muslim population (2011 census).
While the Islamic State runs amok in Syria, Iraq, Yemen and now Libya, demanding media attention through acts of barbarism, Hizb ‘ut Tarir has been quietly building a huge global infrastructure of support for the ISIS using radicalised youth in preparation for their proposed global caliphate.
The armed wing of Hizb ‘ut Tarir is known as “Har-akat ul-Muhojirinfi Britaniya” and is currently training its Islamic State recruits in bacteriological and biological warfare, including Australians, in northern Syria.
Let’s get one thing clear, so-called “grand muftis” are the final arbiters and administrators of Shariah Law, that’s their role in life, so why would Abbott expect this little piece of dog shit to tell the truth about anything? He has now learnt he can’t as Mr Abu Mohammed publicly rails against the decision to rid Australia of the Hizb ‘ut Tarir terrorist recruitment agency.
Who elects these so-called grand muftis who advocate our demise? Mosque clerics elect them and the previous appointee, Sheik Hilaly, (photo left), branded Australian women as available (the “fresh meat” leading to a rash of Muslim rapes on Australian girls).
Yet Tony Abbott expected “inclusive cooperation” from these ratbags?
The radicalisation of Muslim youth is clearly occurring at cleric level. The evil is at the top. If violent atrocities follow Friday prayers, what more proof is needed? And the Left is baffled by the growing public objection to the proliferation of mosques?
Sooner or later governments will realise that 90 per cent of Australians' anguish is perpetuated by two per cent of its population. I wrote 6 years ago that if the Islamic scourge is not met head on we should buy our kids a copy of the Koran and enrol them in the nearest madrasah.
Mr Abu Mohammed has joined with the Australian National Imams Council calling for the offence of “advocating terrorism” to be removed from the Foreign Fighters Bill, currently before Parliament. Golly, now why would that be?
When asked what advice he would give to Tony Abbott he said, via an interpreter, “The advice our Prophet Mohammed would give to our beleaguered Prime Minister is to quit politics!”

The Way I See It.....anyway, keep a copy of this article on your knee while watching a sanitised, politically correct version of the grand mufti’s activities to be aired on the ABC’s “Australian Story” next Monday. It should be a ripper.
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