dominance. Yaaay, you got it....mosques!
Now, who runs these mosques? Need another clue? Okay, let me think... they are sinister looking bearded bastards who travel the country on welfare preaching anti-Aussie stuff. Yaaay, that’s it... Muslim clerics!

Our clever leaders explain that home-grown Muslims who travel to fight with the ISIS are likely to return dangerously radicalised. Wrong! They were already well and truly radicalised before they packed their bags. They travelled to join the ISIS to be TRAINED (not radicalised) in the best ways to kill infidels! Yet the government stupidly takes their passports so they can't go overseas instead of cancelling the passports after they leave....so the bastards can't come back!
Our leaders want us to treat these white buildings with the same reverence we treat churches. Yet most churches I have seen don’t advocate the abolition of all other religions and most parishioners don’t rush out after services on Sunday mornings wanting to kill non-Christians. So maybe the clergy isn't preaching the same stuff as the clerics.
At most anti-mosque rallies I have attended, objections are based on the proximity of the mosque to Aussie homes, noisy monotone wailing known as “calls to prayer” and parking problems etc. And those objections may well convince a council to refuse an application.
The problem with that process is another application for a mosque will suddenly appear at a more acceptable site and the same objections to council will re-emerge, until eventually the council will have no choice but to accept a proposal because the objectors have used up all their objections.
But it’s not really about parking and stuff is it?
It’s about an alien cancerous culture with vile objectives establishing itself within our communities.Mosques are symbols of non-assimilation and dominance over non-Muslim communities. They are centres used to promote discord, hatred and the eventual destruction of their hosts, and anyone else who disagrees with them.
They disparagingly refer to us as "non-Muslims" yet I don't hear Presbyterians referring to us as "non-Presbyterians". Do you get the drift of where they are coming from? They are about as culturally un-Australian as you can get... and that, not parking, should be the real and consistent objection to the proliferation of mosques.

Objections to council should be presented as matters of justifiable community concerns. Monuments of hatred have no place in our suburbs, they are diametrically opposed and alien to the Australian way of life! It's a simple as that......even Mohammed would agree if he could tear himself away from all those prepubescent virgins.
So you can forget about 18C, a council is obligated to take those considerations into account in the same way it would an application for a halal slaughterhouse in Martin Place. Parking spaces and noise pollution are just pretend objections. On the eve of another celebration of AUSTRALIA DAY this Monday, let's shout it out: "Long Live the Australian Way of Life."
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