Now I understand that porcine fat is used in many foods, including chocolate and ice cream, where a smooth “texture” is needed but poor Cadbury (which is very quiet about its certification) is copping
it from all Islamic quarters.
Cadbury has agreed to recall all pork “tainted” items from stores overseas, a massive undertaking amid cries of foul play. More than 20 Muslim groups have called for a boycott on all Cadbury’s products, saying that a holy war needs to be waged against the confectionary giant for attempting to “weaken” Muslims.
At a news conference called to announce the boycotts an hysterical Malay woman yelled, “Will Cadbury wash away the tainted blood in our veins? I want to wash away the tainted blood of my children who have consumed the chocolates… how will money even compensate for that?”
Perkasa Selangor chief, Abu Bakar Yahya told reporters:

2) "That is why Muslims are weak, divided... because the person eats pork it is difficult to guide him to the right path.
3) "When the day of judgment comes, that person will be wearing a pig-face because of what he has eaten. We need to unite, we must declare jihad!”
We could be in for some fun and games here because all Australian halal certified food manufacturers use pig fat in at least some items. The pig-face could be on the other f....ace.
Certifiers here and in Indonesia couldn’t give a damn about compliance, they are too busy warring over the lucrative halal scam estimated to be worth almost $1 trillion world-wide.
But Islamic consumers are now likely to turn on the certifiers who say they conduct a vigorous compliance regime on all food chains... they don’t, they never have. They just collect the money.
The Indonesian Council of Ulama, MUI, (which also orders Fatwa rulings) is a Mafia style body that runs the certifying protection racket throughout much of Asia, forcing Australian companies to pay outrageous amounts (up to $30,000) to have their food certified as halal. But MUI has opposition, “Australian Halal Food Services” (AHFS) and this mob has been undercutting MUI. Now MUI is banning Australian export of all foods, including meat, from Australian companies found dealing with AHFS. As a result many Aussie companies have removed the halal logo from their products but still pay the protection money.
It's almost impossible to get any company to discuss what's going on, and for good reason.When asked to comment, the Department of Trade said, "The Australian Government values our close relationship with MUI and will continue to work together with them to overcome issues that affect mutually beneficial trade....”. Hmmm.
The Way I See It.....it seems incredible that less than 2 per cent of Australia’s population can use a protection racket to force unwitting Aussie shoppers to finance the slaughter of Christians by Syrian rebels, supported militarily by Barack Obama against Putin’s militarily supported Assad.
The reality is, my friends and readers in other Western countries, buying halal certified food costs you at the checkout and that money doesn’t go to building madrassas like the certifiers say..... this is where your money goes:
Warning! If you have a weak stomach do not view this. It shows how Syrian Islamic rebels deal with Christians in Aleppo.
Just for the Record....''Halal'' simply means any foods that are permissible or lawful for Muslims to be eaten according to Islamic Sharia law. Actually, according to the Quran, halal meat is not even strictly compulsory for Muslims. If it isn't available they can eat non-halal and Allah will forgive them. So there's no good reason why we should import it into our society at all when it violates our most basic standards of animal welfare.
Didn't Gandhi say, ''the greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated?'' I wonder what he would make of our moral progress here or any of the other so-called civilized countries that tolerate this practice. You see, halal slaughtered animals are killed by slitting their throats while facing Mecca, while fully conscious, they are then hung upside down while still alive, and their bodies are drained of blood. They die in pain and they die in terror for the sake of a 7th Century superstition.
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