We have a problem in Australia that I have been warning about since 2010 and now finally seems to have reared it's ugly head enough to get on the majority of Australians and their Leftist media's radar. Prime Minister Tony Abbott reached out to Muslim leaders to have an anti-terrorism discussion and to help avert what would be a disaster for the Muslim community. He met with Sydney leaders 3 days ago to build support for reforms that would allow police to arrest Australians who may have joined foreign conflicts. And 2 days ago he met with Islamic leaders in Melbourne to discuss the new laws.

Amazing, this is the same Keysar Trad (right) now claiming to be just as concerned as the rest of us about jihadists. Trad was the former spokesman of the pro-Hezbollah Mufti of Australia, the extremist Sheik Taj Al-Din Al-Hiladsy. Trad was also a translator for the pro-Osama bin Laden and pro-jihadist Nida'ul Islam magazine, where he wrote; ''The criminal dregs of white society colonized this country....and the descendants of these criminal dregs tell us that they are better than us.''
Senator Cory Bernardi adds more about Trad, now advising our Prime Minister on how to deal with national security; ''In 2009, the New South Wales Supreme Court found that Mr Trad 'incites people to commit acts of violence', incites people to have racist attitudes and is a dangerous and disgraceful individual'' The courts based it's findings on the following evidence: Firstly, Mr Trad's website touted that he had ''very good articles on Islam and Muslims'' but the courts found that his website held ''significant anti-Semitic views''. He also said to a journalist that it is questionable about how many Jews really died in the Holocaust. In the end, both courts deemed that this showed Keysar Trad incited violence against Jewish people.
Then there's the finding that he was also a ''dangerous individual''. This was based an the unseemly opinion he give to the media; When talking about a gang rape of young women by a group Lebanese men, he chose to tell a joke and describe these types of perpetrators as ''stupid young boys''. The courts said that his comments about this issue ''demeaned the victims of the crime'', ''did not condemn the Lebanese scumbags'' and ''trivialised the responsibility of rapists.''

Despite Tony Abbott's friendly approach to discuss the proposed new terrorism laws, by the end of the week Muslim leaders across Australia have denounced as unjust, unjustified and inflammatory the laws and have refused to ''rubber stamp'' them for the government. This bunch of self-appointed hypocrites included more than 60 organizations (I don't think not even Christians and Jews have that many organizations in Australia....is this Jihad By Stealth?), including 10 sheikhs and the present day Grand Mufti of Australia (who doesn't even speak English !) said the threat from the ostensible target of the laws - about 150 ''radicalised'' Muslims from Iraq or Syria - had been ''trumped up''.
The Way I See It......the liberal Left in the Western world are, as Lenin repeatedly said, ''are the useful idiots'' of the Islamist extremists, encouraging us to see no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil against them. Just like the Communists, they got a free pass to carry on regardless. When U.S. journalist James Foley was decapitated in a subhuman act of depravity, the ''usefuls'' railed against pictures showing the last moments of his life because they conveyed a sense of the horror to come. I am left with a clear impression that these Islamic leaders have more interest in preaching victimhood than fighting terrorism. They are feeding what they should be fighting.

While Mr Marr was in denial this week, he missed being put in his place by a senior leader of radical Sydney-based Islamic organisation al-Risalah denounced the Australia flag, as the group's supporters posted Facebook messages about beheading ''non-believers''. Wissam Haddad, the head deadshit of the al-Risalah Islamic Centre in Sydney's southwest told The Daily Telegraph he followed the ''flag of Allah'' rather than the flag of Australia. The flag, called the Shahada, is the same piece of filth used by Islamic State militants who think a beheading is something to be revelled in and divinely sanctioned by a heartless Allah. The Koran and Hadith licence the savagery we now see.
''I will instil terror into the hearts of the unbelievers.'' God declares in the Koran. ''Strike off their heads, then, strike off all their fingertips.'' Mohammed is said to have ordered the decapitation of 700 rebellious Jews. His sword -- after which the Iranian battle tank Zulfiqar is named -- translates into English as ''cleaver of vertebrae.'' I have to wonder how long the ''usefuls'' will take for granted the appeal of the brutal and murderous literalism of the Islamic State's recruitment of our Muslim children? Complacency is not an option.
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