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a New Direction !
Greetings to my many
local and overseas fans and friends! I am happy to announce that I have decided to add a companion blog to my hard-hitting
sociogeopolitical blog you know as
‘’The Way I See It....”
This is going to be a specialized weekly blog that exhibits my life-long
passion by being purely devoted to a Healthy and Wealthy lifestyle.
passion by being purely devoted to a Healthy and Wealthy lifestyle.
My years in natural health care and my considerable
research over the last 4+ years has given me access to, at times, exclusive
that are not found in the main stream media..
Many of you remember my exposure of Ansel Keyes (4/10), the man who started the cholesterol/heart disease myth which, only now, has been written about and revealed on television.
that are not found in the main stream media..

Many of you remember my exposure of Ansel Keyes (4/10), the man who started the cholesterol/heart disease myth which, only now, has been written about and revealed on television.
I intend to keep
you up-date with the same high standard I’ve set in my main Blog for you all to benefit
from the latest in cutting-edge research studies and reports from around the world to insure your future
wellness and financial wellbeing.
By subscribing to Dr Frank’s Healthy and Wealthy Blog with your
wellness and financial wellbeing.
By subscribing to Dr Frank’s Healthy and Wealthy Blog with your
I will give you absolutely FREE an informative eBOOK I
have just finished writing, encapsulating over 40+ years of hands-on spinal correction
and patient rehabilitative care entitled
and patient rehabilitative care entitled

20 Tips To
Care For Your Low Back
I am positive you and your family are going to find it very useful in your day-to-day activities to help protect their spines from injury.
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