Hone, also a director of the Emissions Trading Association, has a background in oil and shipping-trade markets. One explanation for his blog outburst could be that he was still in shock from the collapse of carbon pricing and trading scheme at the Warsaw IPCC conference a few weeks before. Hone wrote: ''This was a room of catastrophists (as in 'catastrophic global warming'), with the prevailing view, at least to my ears, that the issue could only be addressed by the complete transformation of the global energy and political systems, with the latter moving to one of state control and regulated consumerism. There would be no room for 'ruthless individualism' in such a world.''
He continued: ''The posters that dotted the lecture theatre lobby area covered topics as diverse as vegan diets to an eventual return to low technology hunter-gather societies. Much to my surprise I was not really at an emission reduction conference (despite my nametag saying I was), but a political ideology conference.'' The conference, sadly, was no less unhinged than the UK government's legally mandated goal to cut CO2 emissions by at least 80% below 1990 levels by 2050. Stand by, hardy Britons, for brown and black-outs. Australian national targets are 5% emission cuts but 2020, compared with 2000 levels.

Another participant was Professor John Wiseman, of Melbourne University's Sustainable Society Institute, whose weblink talk was titled: ''Winning the climate war; removing political roadblocks to radical emissions reductions.'' I particularly like a photo of Professor Un-Wiseman at an Australian Conference last October shown alongside a slide projection quoting excitable green activist Miriam Lyons: ''The highest priority action for achieving a rapid transition to a resilient post-carbon future is to sculpt visions of the future that are beautiful, and lifelike enough to fall in love with.'' Wow....that'll surely wet her panty liner! It goes without saying that this twit is a regular guest on the biased ABC programs....gushing forth her warmist religion.

The Way I See It.....the UK still has some level heads that are influential like Matt Ridley, a member of the House of Lords and a science writer, whose latest bestseller is ''The Rational Optimist''. In it he finds the Greens exploiting Typhoon Haiyan as a sign of a great global warming catastrophe awaiting us as ridiculous. He says, ''Storms and weather events happen, they've always happened. There've been much stronger typhoons in the past and to blame this on climate change is a bit like shamanism. It's witchdoctory. It's going back 10,000 years to try and blame every weather event on mankind. So the idea that you can stop typhoons happening by cutting carbon dioxide emissions is just absurd.''

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