It always amazes me, how many people in the West would happily compromise the foundations of entire civilisation to appease religious fascism. I find it disturbing that they would care so little about their children's future, even if they are to complacent, naïve or politically blinkered to care about their own. One of the most disturbing questions I'm asked by people like this is, Why do you hate Muslims? It's disconcerting because anyone who's been reading my postings knows very well that I've never expressed hatred for anyone. My job is to take a jaundiced eye on the Islamic religion.
Now it's often claimed that many people in the West are converting to Islam and it's true that some are, but it's also true that many Muslims in the West are leaving Islam, but you don't hear much about them for obvious reasons. Some of them have been brave enough to make themselves known and reach out to help other Muslims who want to escape the tyranny of their religion and like them, its the religion I have a problem with, not the people. So no....I don't hate Muslims, I wish them well, even the fanatics who stand by the roadside with their dopey little signs with bulging eyeballs shouting ''Death to the West!'' I even wish those boneheads well...I wish them good mental health, if that's too wildly optimistic.
And of course, I know there's lots of moderate, peaceful Muslims, indeed, so many of them are so moderate, and peaceful, they're invisible and silent -- and that is part of the problem. Just because there's lots of peaceful Muslims doesn't mean the religion is a fascist ideology that threatens all our freedoms. Nor does it mean Western governments are falling over themselves to make excuses for it, pretending Islam has nothing to do with violence, inspired and sanctioned by scripture repeatedly carried out in its name.

All over the western world we've given the Islamic supremacists the impression that they have every right to be outraged, insulted and offended by everything we do and say, and some of us have come to believe it ourselves. That is the real core of this problem. Mark Twain said, ''Faith is believing what you know ain't so.'' What Political Correctness is doing what you know ain't right. In every western country Islamic extremists are allowed to exploit religious privilege for political ends by claiming to represent all Muslims and the media always treats them as they do. These groups give themselves official sounding titles and talk a smooth line about community harmony, while doing all they can to prevent integration, to keep Muslims apart and ghettoise in a separate society with a separate identity, separate rules and standards. In other words, they exist to cause division in society.

SHARIA in the West is like piss in a waterhole, any amount is too much! Sharia dehumanizes women, it threatens the freedom and dignity of every woman in the Western World. It discriminates in such a fundamental way; there's no way around it. There's no compromise......misogyny runs through it like a dye and that should be more than enough reason for us to banish it as aggressively and thoroughly as we banish anything with Rabies. Get on the anti-CAIR website to keep abreast of their latest incursions: www.anti-cair-net-org.

This has all been aided and abetted by the most cowardly and shameful Political Correctness in government, in the media and especially in the F.B.I., who seem to think it's more important to be culturally sensitive than to defend national security. This is an important book, which is why the American media is so assiduously ignoring it. In publishing it, the authors have done more for their country and the civilized world than all the politicians on Capital Hill combined will have achieved in their entire careers. Political Islam is a threat to all civilized people of any faith or persuasion and if America falls....we all do. Stay smart, stay safe and stay well informed.
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