On 2GB, his argument was bizarre, but standard issue in the warmist media outlets -- that there cannot have been such a pause because the average temperature of the past decade was higher than of the decade before. Emerson couldn't understand the fallacy of that argument. So a listener, a forensic accountant, equally frustrated with the mathematical ineptitude of this senior minister, produced a graphic chart that surely even Emerson can understand. (see above) So...to say the past decade was warmer than the one before is true - but still does not contradict the fact that for 16 years there has been no warming of any statistical significance.
The Way I See It.....if someone like this minister is still so adamant about his global warming beliefs, and in a government advised by top scientists - is wrong in the very basic facts about climatic warming, what does it say about the Gillard Government and its warming policies? When facts change....normal, honest people change their opinions. This now goes beyond a judgement of Emerson's intellect. It also invites a judgement of this scumbag's character.
Oh yes, still no admission, retraction or apology from ABC science presenter Dr Karl, either, even though he is even more profoundly wrong than Dr Craig and should know better. He completed a MB, BS after a science B.Sc (Hons) and some further broad study into medical science. His attitude has brought some loss of credibility amongst his admirers.
NOTE: Dr Emerson has a doctorate in Economics. On matters of science he has no qualifications.
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