This administration has taken various states to court to block voter ID laws on the grounds it will disenfranchise voters. But it has no qualms about the disenfranchisement of military voters overseas through its failure to comply with and enforce the Military and Overseas Voter Empowerment (MOVE) Act , passed by Congress in 2009 and signed into law by President Barack Obama. This law acknowledges the difficulties caused by time and distance for deployed soldiers in exercising the right to vote, a vote they put their lives on the line to protect and defend. One of the key provisions required each military branch to create an Installation Voting Assistance Office (IVAO) for every military base outside an immediate combat zone.
Last week, however, the Pentagon's inspector general reported that attempts to locate and contact IVAO offices at overseas military installations failed about half the time! "Results were clear. Unfortunately, our attempts to contact IVAOs failed about 50% of the time," the inspector general reported. ''We concluded the Services had not established all the IVAOs as intended by the MOVE Act because, among other issues, the funding was not available." The estimated cost of establishing functioning IVAOs at all overseas military bases not in combat zones is estimated at between $15 million and $20 million a year. Obama and his gang of amateurs wasted $530 million on Solydra Solar but can't afford a relative pittance to ensure the soldiers are not disenfranchised.
An administration that constantly talks about voter disenfranchisement (lead by an ex-community organizer) appears unconcerned that a study by the nonpartisan Military Voters Protection Project found that in 2008 less than 20% of 2.5 million military voters successfully voted by absentee ballot. That scandalous participation rate brought on the MOVE Act in 2009 to make voting easier. So, is there a method in the government's madness, a reason it doesn't want to make it easier for soldiers to vote? It couldn't possibly have anything to do with the fact that John McCain won 54% of the military vote in 2008 or that a May 2012 Gallup poll showed Mitt Romney pulling 58% to President Obama's paltry 34%.
The law also requires that states mail absentee ballots to their servicemen 45 days before an election so there's enough time to return and count them. The administration showed its true appreciation for military service when on July 17th the Obama for America Campaign, the Democratic National Committee and the Ohio Democratic Party filed a suit in the swing state to strike down part of a state law governing voting by soldiers that gives them tree (3) extra days to cast their ballots. The Democrats cynically objected that it discriminated against nonmilitary voters. The National Defense Committee, a veterans organization, notes that ''for each of the last four years, the Department of Defense's Federal Voting Assistance Program has reported to the president and the Congress that the number one reason for military voter disenfranchisement is inadequate time to successfully vote."
The Way I See It....Barack Obama and his chief election strategist, David Axelrod, are disciples of that socialist/radical Saul Alinsky and his methods to "Win At Any Cost." Justice is not embodied in the process, justice is assumed to lie in the agenda. The process is just a means of getting their way. Under Alinsky's rules, any tactic (and any lie) is fine as long as it serves the agenda. The ends justify the means. So neutralize any potential treat to take away votes from the president.
''You guys make a pretty good Photo-Op," Obama joked during a 2009 visit to Osan Air Base in South Korea, greeting roughly 1,500 airmen, soldiers, sailors and Marines, many in camouflage, in an airfield hanger. They also make pretty good voters, and the indifference of their commander-in-chief in ensuring their right and ability to vote is a national disgrace. The lame-stream media ran that photo but has never mentioned that their "beloved leader'', is screwing with the rights of the troops.
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