In an email, Biden told supporters that he was the "new Sheriff in town." He said that "particularly at a time when we are facing tough decisions about reducing our deficit, it's a no-brainer to stop spending taxpayer dollars on things that benefit nobody." But behind the scenes, it's a different matter.....the bloody hypocrite!
Every Friday, Biden takes a helicopter designated as Marine Two from the vice president's residence to Joint Base Andrews in Maryland and then hops on Air Force Two to fly back to his home in Delaware. At the end of the weekend, he returns on Air Force Two to Washington. During warm weather, Biden regularly returns to Andrews on the plane (which is a specially configured Boeing 757-200 commercial jet with a crew of 18) on Saturdays to play golf at the Air Force base with President Obama. After the golf game, he flies back to Delaware and returns to Washington on Sunday evening...all at taxpayer expense.
The cost of flying Air Force Two is $22,000 an hour, so each half-hour trip to and from Delaware costs about $10,000. Each golf game costs taxpayers $20,000. At that rate, the annual cost to taxpayers of Joe's weekend trips is well over $1 million! In addition, the Secret Service rents more than 20 condominiums in the Wilmington (Del.) area for agents who must accompany Biden when he goes home. Biden's press office had no immediate comment when this gross wastage came out.
As a U.S. senator, Biden was proud of the fact that he commuted daily by train from his Delaware home to Washington during the week. Amtrak even named the newly renovated Wilmington station the Joseph R. Biden, Jr. Railroad Station. But after taking office as vice president, a Secret Service agent says Biden began the habit of commuting by fare-free government jet on weekends, costing taxpayers close to $4 million so far.
Obama is obviously aware tht Biden is running up a huge government tab for each game of golf he plays with him. When reporters asked if President Obama thinks these costs are appropriate, why he has not questioned Biden in to play golf with him at $20,000 a game and in view of these $1 million a year for weekend trips, whether the vice president should no longer be in charge of cutting government waste, the president's press office offered "No Comment."
The Way I See It....Joe Biden is a Grade A hypocrite! With a salary of $230,700 and the addition of free use of a handsome 9,150-square-foot, three story mansion overlooking Massachusetts Avenue in Washington he should go back to basics and either pay something toward the air fares or get back on that train.
Biden has portrayed himself as a "regular" Joe, a product of a working class family who takes on millionaires and Republicans, who he says are out-of-touch with middle-class Americans. I would say middle-class Americans will soon be out-of-touch with Joe, come November, with his living "high-off-the-hog" without a thought for them.
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