Yesterday the nation's peak Muslim group, The Australian Federation of Islamic Councils, used the Gillard government's re-embracing of multiculturalism to push for the introduction of Sharia law in Australia. This is the same multicultural wagon that England, France, Denmark and Germany have stopped pushing, explaining in the strongest terms that IT'S NOT WORKING. The rest on the European countries are also leaning toward a selective immigration policy, but our Immigration Minister Chris Bowen naively says everything's fine in OZ; "bring'em In!". Did he ever hear of the Trojan Horse?
In a newspaper interview, the organisation's president, Ikebal Adam Patel, who wrote the submission, says the AFIC "strongly supports that multiculturalism should lead to legal pluralism...and twin toleration." This is the same "game plan" these people used to convince the Europeans to allow them to do this and now they are stuck with the arrangement. Note, how Gillard's multiculturalism encourages those who want to retribalise Australia, rather than stress what unites us.
I can just see it now.....the Muslim enclaves (ghettos) in our cities are enjoying Sharia Law so
now they can have:
- backyard stonings
- honour killings
- thieves brought to halal butchers to have their hands cut off
- a molested woman trying to find 4 men to verify the molester did it or she gets punished
- Muslim men are allowed to marry 10 year old girls, like the esteemed Prophet enjoyed
Jihad by stealth has begun.
The Way I See It....whoever wants to make their own private or religious arrangements about living together as a group can do so, provided they do not conflict with Australian law. But for the law to specifically endorse verdicts of religious groups is to give them a power and legal standing that seems at odds with the notion of one law for all, as with our Constitution's insistence on a separation of church and state. Something these Muslims don't appreciate since many are coming from Islamic countries that has the church controlling the state.
What fits with Australian values is the idea that we are one people bound by one law, not rival peoples with each our own. Andrew Bolt of the Herald Sun newspaper articulates it so well when he says...."At such a price, is Muslim immigration worth the hassle?"
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