Saturday, December 31, 2011
There Goes Freedom of Speech !

Friday, December 30, 2011
Promises, Promises !

1) That he would end the recession and bring back a healthy, booming economy. Has he done it? Obviously not. The crash stopped because of the rescue of Wall Street by George W. Bush's bailout. I don't see any causative link between Obama's trillion-dollar "stimulus package" and his supersize deficits and the modest recovery there is. There is still extremely high unemployment and a housing foreclosure disaster that could take years to resolve. This was a failed promise.
2) That he would "reset'' relations with Russia.He promised to get friendly relations with this important country. Still the Russians mock the U.S. and balk at any cooperation in the U.N. and everywhere else. Another failure.
3) That he would go over the federal budget "line by line" to weed out waste and corruption that would save so much money to help balance the budget.This one was a laughter from day one. He could not possibly go through the millions of lines in the federal budget. It was just a nonsense. As it happened, we have a wildly bigger budget than ever before and deficits on a scale that is genuinely terrifying. So far...another big failure.
4) That he would bring peace to the Middle East.Another bad and naive promise. The Middle East is more dangerous than ever. Kicking out Mubarak from Egypt has given the land of the Nile an anti-Israel, anti-u.S. government that is already working hand in glove with the terrorists in Gaza. Libya has also joined the club. Fail!
5) That he would create a new, peaceful productive relationship with Iran.Oops! Did he really believe that? Was he delusional or just naive? He missed the opportunity to oust that scumbag regime when the young people rioted against rigged elections but sat on his hands instead of extending his support so the revolution eventually was crushed. Big failure.
The Way I See It....is that the man is an inept failure. He couldn't lead a dog down a street much less show some "balls" in the international arena. In an effort to woo over the Muslim world he seems to believe somehow that even criticism of radial extremists of Islam is a slap in the face to their religion as a whole. Americans are angry that he obviously has not taken the war on terror seriously enough, especially when they see that government officials won't even utter the word "Islamic radicalism." That smacks of APPEASEMENT! Maybe his Muslim roots are to blame.
The world knew how that great statesman Winston Churchill felt about appeasing one's enemy. To quote the great man: "An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last." And to add insult to injury, Obama has insulted our two best friends in the world --Britain and Israel --by showing his contempt for them.
It is very hard to find any real pluses in his term so far with his Socialist agenda consistently undermining the very principles that was made America great. This is how great nations fold up. They get small men and women in Big jobs. He should definately not be voted back in as President.
U.S Trumped by China says Trump !

Thursday, December 29, 2011
I Think Congratulations are in Order

Tuesday, December 27, 2011
BEWARE....the Cult of Deafness!

Saturday, December 24, 2011
Christmas Eve Thoughts
Monday, December 12, 2011
Medics Dummy-Spit Over New Chiro-School

Sunday, December 11, 2011
You Trust These Bastards With Your Health?

Belly-Fat Boosts Eye Disease Risk

- A gradual decline in the ability to see objects clearly
- Distorted vision
- Dark or empty spaces blocking the central field of vision
- Dimming of colour vision
The Way I See It....there is currently no cure of Age-related Macular Degeneration but treatments are available that are aimed at maintaining the vision for as long possible. You must visit an eye doctor about seeing if other eye problems that affect vision can be detected. Also an up-to-date glasses prescription is important as well as getting any cataracts and glaucoma treated.
Aside from the new found belly-fat risk just mentioned, there is a now a well-established link between smoking and AMD....so it makes good sense for women as well as men to avoid or give up smoking as they enter their third trimester of Life.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
"A Conga Line of Suckholes"

Sunday, November 13, 2011
OWS: Occupy Wall St. OR Overall We're Stupid!

Saturday, November 5, 2011
White is the NEW Black!

Friday, November 4, 2011
Ehrlich: More Cock-ups then Cock Robin!

Not Putting His B.E.S.T. Foot Forward!

Sunday, October 30, 2011
I.P.C.C.'s Climate Kindergarten!

Sunday, October 23, 2011
10 Years of Cancer Research...Useless!

- Vioxx, the pain medication that caused heart attacks
- the deeply flawed statin studies that hid adverse effects
- the antidepressant and antipsychotic studies that had no efficacy & bad side effects
- the misguided studies on lowering salt intake claiming greater health when it was found to cause a greater death rate.
- numerous other drug recalls and debunked surgical operations.....will decrease as a more vigilant population questions any and all treatment proposed to them.
Dutch Courage....finally!

ARAB Spring or JIHADIST Winter?

Already, there is tension from the Islamist fighters of the Tripoli Military Council, and also of the militias of the city of Misrata who played a key military role in toppling Gaddafi and killing him and keeping his body in cold storage. Islamists, led by several charismatic clerics and the Egyptian-founded Muslim Brotherhood are better at organizing many other groups.
One very disturbing element is the fact that a former al-Qaida terrorist by the name of Abdul Hakim Belhadj, who the CIA renditioned into Thailand, is now back in his original stomping ground. Arnaud de Borchgrave, board member of a Washington, DC-based intelligence forecasting service, says, "Libya is where he was head of the al-Qaida underground. Now he's above ground and commander of the Tripoli garrison." He also added;
- Gadhafi's death is a major plus for Libya. It will do little to help world oil prices in the short term as the country has to rebuild its infrastructure before it can restart pumping at full capacity.
- The search is on for the millions-possibly billions- of dollars that Gadhafi expropriated from his oil-rich nation.
- Syria, unfortunately, is unlikely to follow Libya soon because of that country's well-organized military and intelligence services. Killing over 30,000 of his people doesn't seem to faze the "mild-mannered" Bashar alAssad while his tough younger brother does the massacring.
Friday, September 9, 2011
The Heroes of 9/11

I have a personal relationship with the horrors of 9/11. Two and half hours before the first plane struck the Towers we received a phone call that a new grand-daughter was born to my eldest daughter, Natalie. Much joy accompanied the news of Charlie's birth but within a few short celebratory hours it turned into profound shock and sadness as we watched, with millions of others, these tragic events unfold.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
A Playboy in Winter

Thursday, August 18, 2011
Getting Knackered on Necker Island !

When Sir Richard Branson needs to chill out from his collection of companies that are as diverse as air travel, fitness, financial services, publishing, mobiles, media and music, he retreats to his private island in the warm Caribbean Sea. Necker Island is located in the British Virgin (coincidentally) Islands just north of Virgin Gorda. The island was named after the 17th Century Dutch commander, Johannes de Neckere. It was never inhabited in its long history, according to archaeologists.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Creating One Underclass & Importing Another

In April, 1968, Enoch Powell, a well-respected English Conservative Party MP made a controversial speech that was visionary at the time, in which he warned his audience of what he believed would be the consequences of continued unchecked immigration from the Commonwealth to Britain. At that time there was over a million black Caribbeans and Africans inundating English suburbs and towns every year. This now famous and prophetic "Rivers of Blood" speech was only reiterating the voices of trepidation from his many constituents. Of course he was branded a racist by the socialist establishment and was forced to retire and totally ignored.