It took 48 hours before media disclosed it was an adult Aborigine who raped that two year old girl in Tennant Creek. Naturally most people already thought it may have been, but it shows media's reluctance to risk claims of racism. And in this case a representative of “Territory Families” who received 21 warnings about this group of Aborigines said, "they (the warnings) were not substantial enough to take the child out of this household and away from the mother." Not substantial enough?
Perhaps the thought of removing the child evoked memories of the “stolen generation”.
The "stolen generation" is an emotive term that does not portray the good will (albeit ill-advised) of white families that wanted to give Aboriginal children a chance to escape the vortex of Aboriginal culture, especially when it came to small children.

This atavistic culture that snares females is as primitive as the Islamic culture and it should be loudly criticised and not hidden for fear of cries of racism when it clearly IS a race problem.
Aborigines and Muslims both treat women as solely a procreative necessity. Women are legally bashed when they disobey men. Young men are entitled to “educate” young girls in how to satisfy older men. In Aboriginal culture older women are used to “educate” young boys who are also an expendable resource in Muslim culture.

This primitive freedom to treat females and young boys this way is exacerbated with alcohol and other drugs that cloud any semblance of modern Western values and the judiciary makes huge allowances for “cultural” considerations in any sex crime.
It is very much the same in Indian culture and young boys were (are) to be freely partaken of by older males in Greek culture.

Why are Aborigines attracted to Islam? Well, the cultures are closely aligned.
The more primitive the cult the more women folk and girls are regarded as less than human.

The well-known Muslim practice of “thighing” allows a betrothed baby girl to be used as a masturbation tool until she reaches the age of nine when penetration is practised.
What happened in Tennant Creek went too far even in Aboriginal culture but the man guilty of this horrifying crime must be set an example of, to show we will never condone this type of sexual bastardry committed on babies and toddlers. But he should not be gaoled… a hundred lashes would produce a better outcome than gaol.

The problem is that we spend well over $30 billion a year trying to drag Aboriginal culture into the 21st century. It simply can’t be done in such a short time-frame, especially when whites obfuscate the issue with claims of “Constitutional recognition”, “treaties”, “Mabo land claims” and stupid twig-waving “welcome to country ceremonies” and “sorry” days. This all makes the Aborigine feel victimised and deserving of, and justified in, seeking retribution.
Original inhabitants? No! There were other people here before our Aborigine who has been here at least 30,000 years but neither we nor he was the first, and that applies to all lands which at one time were “invaded”.
Whites who run and profit from the Aboriginal industry are doing a grave disservice to a nomadic people who not so long ago hadn’t invented the wheel or figured out how to use numbers above the number one!

They shifted from water hole to water hole depleting the freely available resources before shifting to another water hole.
Their home grown religion was steeped in a rainbow serpent and the savage law of payback.
No permanent shelters, no plants, no water reticulation, no clothes, no worries. Women were a mere commodity that carried burdens and produced offspring.

Our main problem is that we refuse to recognise we are dealing with the most primitive race on earth and we will never bring Aborigines into the Western fold by denying that and convincing them they are victimised.
We keep telling them they are victimised so eventually they believe us and become activists like the whites waving placards, erecting false embassies and planting a separate flag.
I have lived with Aborigines and have stayed in Tennant Creek where the continuous rumbling of earthquakes can be mistaken for Aboriginal riots in the streets. It is worse than Alice Springs where at least they seem to congregate in the river bed for the night.

One thing that must never happen is to put another Aborigine in gaol. They simply do not understand what four walls are, leading to hysterical trauma and suicides.
The worst tribal punishment they know of was banishment or “pointing the bone”, that often led to death anyway.
But death by four walls has been the punishment of many natives including the great Albert Namatjira… and we still don’t get it. Shameful banishment to another area is an effective punishment... and there is still plenty of land to do that and elders will agree to enforce it.
The Way I See It.......we cannot judge Aborigines by a European yardstick and yet we cannot allow Muslims, who understand the Western mores of the nation they were invited into, to claim a cultural excuse.

Keep throwing tens of billions in taxpayer funds to Aborigines each year and they will continue to go backwards. We haven’t learnt a thing in 200 years! .We need to stop looking at the black man through the white man's eyes.
You see, the white man's fear of an allusion to “the stolen generation” led that poor little girl to be returned to the same family.
What’s the bet it happens again?