Oren Litwin ( politics research fellow for Islamist Watch) and contributing writer for the Middle East Forum website has written before about Representative Keith Ellison, who was currently in the running for
chair of the Democratic National Committee. Rep. Ellison , a card carrying Muslim, does not
merely associate with extremist groups; he has espoused support
for convicted terrorists and peddled conspiracy theories about the
September 11 attacks. Our research now shows it goes even further than
that: Ellison has also welcomed the financial backing of prominent
extremists and terror financiers.
The Islamist Money in Politics project (IMIP) tracks the political donations of over 1,400 prominent members of known Islamist organizations,
such as the terror-supporting Holy Land Foundation and the Islamic
Circle of North America (ICNA), the American wing of the Pakistani Jamaat e-Islami, which aims to obtain political power and form a global Islamic state. Keith Ellison is the single largest recipient of campaign donations in the IMIP database—having received nearly $200,000 dollars from prominent Islamists over his career.
in isolation, is not necessarily a bad thing. It is natural for Muslims
of all stripes to support the first Muslim elected to Congress.
However, Ellison has the option of returning money donated by
objectionable people—and has chosen instead to accept the money of
donors tied to terror financing and extremism.
U.S. Customs police carry out boxes of evidence after raiding SAAR network businesses on March 20, 2002 in Herndon, VA.
donors were prominent leaders of a vast Saudi-funded web of purported
charities, nonprofits, and financial firms, known as the "SAAR Network,"
that laundered money for terrorism. The SAAR Network illicitly funneled
money to the organization of convicted terror financier Sami al-Arian, the North American head of Palestinian Islamic Jihad; and there is overwhelming evidence
that it did the same for the terror group Hamas. Donors to Ellison who
were officers in the SAAR Network include Jamal Barzinji, M. Yaqub
Mirza, Hisham Altalib, and M. Omar Ashraf. Between them, they gave
Ellison thousands of dollars.
also accepted the donations of Esam Omeish, president of the Muslim
American Society (MAS). MAS has been identified (in court testimony
by convicted terror financier Abdurahman Alamoudi) as a front group for
the Muslim Brotherhood. Omeish himself had been videotaped making
public statements supporting the Muslim Brotherhood, and endorsing violent jihad. Public pressure following the release of this recording forced Omeish to resign in 2007 from a Virginia commission on immigration. Yet Omeish's extremism is apparently acceptable to Ellison.
Luqman Abdul Haqq (right) with Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan in 2015.
Ellison also enjoys the support of Luqman Abdul Haqq, alias Kenny
Gamble. A former music mogul and convert to Islam, Gamble has built a network of organizations for the ostensible purpose of urban renewal in South Philadelphia. He openly speaks of creating an "Africatown"
enclave in South Philadelphia to parallel existing Chinatowns or
Russian enclaves. But critics argue that his true goal is to build a specifically black Muslim enclave. In an interview
with Saudi TV, Gamble and his associates spoke of using public money to
build South Philadelphia housing, which was then disproportionately
awarded to Muslim residents.
is also a leading official of the Muslim Alliance in North America
(MANA), which was originally founded in response to the arrest of
cop-killer Jamil Al-Amin, formerly known as H. Rap Brown. MANA considers Al-Amin its "Ameer" (leader) and has continued to take inspiration from him, raising thousands of dollars for his legal defense team.
Al-Amin is not the only violent criminal associated with MANA. Luqman Ameen Abdullah,
who was shot in a 2009 FBI raid, was a Detroit imam who preached
violent black Muslim separatism and was involved in the extremist
organization "Umma"(which Al-Amin runs from his jail cell). Abdullah was also a member of MANA's Majlis ash-Shura [executive council] alongside Kenny Gamble. Ellison has not returned Gamble's money either.
Rep. Ellison has made few moves to distance himself from Islamist extremism.
Ellison has made few moves to distance himself from Islamist extremism.
Ellison had been scheduled to speak at the December ICNA-MAS convention
alongside some truly odious figures, but pulled out at the last minute in the face of public pressure.
But this was apparently nothing more than a calculated move to defend
his chances at the DNC chairmanship. Ellison did not actually condemn
the extremist speakers at ICNA-MAS, nor did he hesitate to sign up for
the upcoming ICNA-MAS Convention in April – alongside some of the same extremist speakers.
The Way I See It.......ultimately,
the selection of DNC Chair fell to Tom Perez, former Labour Secretary to Obama. It's refreshing to see the Democrats decided they didn't want to be led by a man like Rep.
Ellison, who cloaks himself in the mantle of progressivism while
actively encouraging extremism.
Also, when will the large amount of Jewish supporters of the Democratic party finally come to their senses and realize the Republications are more supportive of their goals and remain solid friends of Israel. Something that can't be attested to by the leaders of the DNC. Even Obama (the closet Muslim) was a staunch supporter of the hateful Palestinians and a criticizer of Israel.
Also, when will the large amount of Jewish supporters of the Democratic party finally come to their senses and realize the Republications are more supportive of their goals and remain solid friends of Israel. Something that can't be attested to by the leaders of the DNC. Even Obama (the closet Muslim) was a staunch supporter of the hateful Palestinians and a criticizer of Israel.