Californian journalist, Michael Hastings, was working on a story about CIA Director John Brennan’s conversion to Islam and another CIA operative who had converted to Islam, Andrew Warren. The journalist died in a suspicious fiery auto accident in California in June 2013, just three months after Obama had appointed Brennan as CIA Director.
Obama had wanted to appoint Brennan as CIA Director way back in 2009, but there was Congressional opposition to his nomination. The actual reasons for that opposition remain unclear as none of the interrogators pinpointed or even queried his reported close relationship with Islam.
Now I am far from a conspiracy theorist but at least 48 people have died suspiciously during the Clintons' rule and many of those had claimed to be exposers of White House Islamic connections. It makes ex KGB Putin's activities look boy scoutish.

Although Brennan has denied the charges heatedly and repeatedly when they first surfaced early in 2014, Brennan has now admitted and apologised for CIA Agency employees having spied on a Congressional Intelligence Committee set up to investigate torture during the Bush years. The CIA had "improperly accessed" computers used to catalogue the committee's investigation.
In a statement that followed the revelations, Sen. Udall among many others, declared, "I have no choice but to call for the resignation of CIA Director John Brennan." The calls were ignored by Obama.
You don’t need to be a member of Mensa to conclude that Obama, if not a Muslim himself, was extremely sympathetic to Muslims and would not tolerate any criticism of Islam, despite Islam forecasting the demise of democracy and declaring the eventual destruction of the West and Israel through jihadism.
It was also concerning that Obama installed a new fence around the White House recently and after closer inspection many people aren't too happy with it's peculiar design. All changes or improvements must go directly through Obama's Office so there's no denying he knew exactly what was taking place only steps away from America's iconic White House. They made sure to add in one not so subtle feature that has many Americans calling for it to be taken down.

One patriotic photographer made sure to snap a pic (above) of the new design built into the fence that surrounds the White House. Included in the revamped fence are what appear to be small Islamic minarets like the ones from the Ottoman Empire. This type of classic Islamic architecture is commonplace in countries like Turkey and Saudi Arabia, but lining the fence of the White House in Washington, DC, they do offend and indicate where Obama's allegiances lie.
We all know the Obama crew and the UN would love to see Israel pushed into the Mediterranean Sea, as Muslims promise they will do, and the Obama/Kerry nuclear deal with Iran has made that more than likely unless Israel alone takes out the Iranian nuclear facilities which will plunge the Middle East into a full on war, with Obama from his golf club rooting for everyone bar the Israelis.
At the National Security Council and at the CIA, Brennan has, like Obama, forbidden the use of the term “jihadist” to describe Islamic terrorists. Obama has refused to mention the word “terrorism” and “Islam” in the same sentence, preferring to use ridiculous descriptions like, “workplace violence” or “merely a lone wolf” and on each occasion ignoring the murderers’ Arabic screams of “Allahu Akbar”.
Obama and Podesta (2nd from right) on Air Force One
There is ample evidence to suggest that CIA Director Brennan had not only converted to Islam, but had embraced the worst of all Islamic sects, Saudi Arabia’s extreme form known as Wahhabism, Obama's preferred sect and the cult that bore Osama bin Laden and Afghanistan’s student-inspired Taliban.
The Saudis also run the world-wide $3 trillion scam of halal accreditation.

When Brennan was sworn in to head the CIA and refused to take the oath on the bible (above) the allegations of his conversion to Islam began to gain momentum.
Peter Baker and Mark Mazzetti wrote in the normally (small l) liberal New York Times that, “... in the 67 years since the CIA was founded, few presidents have had as close a bond with their intelligence chief as Obama has forged with Mr Brennan. It is a relationship that has shaped the policy and politics of the debate over the nation’s war with terrorist organisations, as well as the Agency’s own struggle to balance security and liberty.”
After assuming Office the Obama Administration collected lists of Muslim candidates to fill positions in the White House and to head various Agencies, according to previously unseen emails sent to the manager of Hillary Clinton’s Presidential campaign, John Podesta. The emails were released by Wikileaks.

Podesta was also a former Chief of Staff for President Bill Clinton. (Here is the actual email, the names on what appear to be comprehensive lists of eligible Muslims available for Administration jobs are not yet disclosed.)
"From: Bansal, Preeta Democrat (NYC) Sent: Monday, September 29, 2008 11:01 PM To:Froman, Michael B Cc: 'Onek, Matthew'
"Subject: Asian American Candidates, Muslim American Candidates Here are the compiled lists of Asian American and Muslim American candidates for top Administration jobs, sub-cabinet jobs, and outside boards/agencies/policy committees. A couple things to note about the list of Muslim American candidates:
1) In the candidates for top jobs, I excluded those with some Arab American background but who are not Muslim (e.g., George Mitchell). Many Lebanese Americans, for example, are Christian. In the last list (of outside boards/commissions), most who are listed appear to be Muslim American, except that a handful (where noted) may be Arab American but of uncertain religion (esp. Christian).
"2) There is only one candidate I thought was a viable one for a Secretary-level job among the Muslim Americans. That said, on both lists, there are some very senior people listed in the last category (for outside boards/commissions) who conceivably could be considered for top jobs. The very senior people I put on the last list tended not to be terribly involved in politics or policy, or in the case of some Asian Americans, had already served in the Clinton and even Carter Administrations and so I thought we should seek new talent.
"But there's no magic to some of the placements. I think the lists are fairly exhaustive, but some of the people may be moved to other categories.
3) High-profile Muslim Americans tend to be the subject of a fair amount of blogger criticism, and so the individuals on this list would need to be ESPECIALLY carefully vetted. I suspect some of the people I list would not survive such a vet -- but I do personally know, at least in part, virtually all of the candidates in the 1st two categories (but I know very few of those listed for outside boards/commissions).
4) I listed the elected Muslim American democratic officials at the end of the second category, but for various reasons, I didn't think any of them would necessarily be suitable for an Administration appointment. Nevertheless, I wanted to flag them for you in case you wanted to evaluate them further. DOJ list will be coming in the next two days. Judges and US Attorneys will still take about 10 days. Let me know if the latter are needed sooner."
This is clear evidence that Obama was deliberately including Muslims and excluding Christians from senior Administration positions.
Obama’s Islamisation of his Administration and the White House was evident from day one. It’s worth noting that although the Democrats deny Julian Assange’s credibility, they have never denied the veracity of any released email.
An interesting caller to the New York radio station “Ground Zero”, who refused to be identified, said this on September 18, 2014: “All 19 9/11 hijackers? Where did they get their visas stamped before they came to this country to launch 9/11? They got their visas stamped at the CIA station in Jeda. And the second in command said, ‘No way, absolutely we are not going to stamp those visas.’ And the fellow who was in charge at the time, his name was John Brennan, he was the person who overrode that instruction and ordered the visas be stamped right there in Jeda.” ...The rest is history
Brennan is the highest-ranking U.S. official ever to have visited the Islamic holy city of Mecca during the Haaj, a privilege reserved only for serious Muslim pilgrims or special guests of the Saudi King.
A few weeks before the Senate voted to confirm Brennan as CIA director in 2013, former FBI agent John Guandolo revealed that Brennan had indeed converted to Wahhabist Islam while he was CIA Station Chief in Riyadh.
Brennan has shuttled frequently between his home in Virginia to Jerusalem, and Riyadh to coordinate the arms transfers and other logistical support to ISIS and the rebels in Syria and Iraq. Witnesses in Syria, claim to have seen CIA and Israeli Mossad commandos transferring weapons to ISIS and affiliated forces at US request/direction.
Obama may have described ISIS fighters as a “Junior Varsity” team but appears to have done his best to promote them to the NFL.
No fewer than 80 different groups of rebels were/are still fighting in Syria including many ISIS, Al Queda, Khorasan and Muslim Brotherhood affiliates, all intent on taking out Assad and grabbing more than their fair share of the booty from the vacuum, despite Assad’s massive Russian support.
[Both Turkey and Russia are at odds with the US by supporting the Assad regime and ostensibly killing ISIS fighters but NATO member Turkey is only interested in killing the stateless Kurds and Russia the jihadist Syrian rebels. But as a result of Putin's efforts alone ISIS is now on the run.]
Obama claimed that he only ordered “moderate” Muslims be armed in the fight to unseat al-Assad, such was his determination to add the democratically elected Assad to the list of regime changes that has so far caused a million deaths and four million displaced Muslims now, or soon to be, resident in Europe and north America where many are free to plot further terrorist attacks on innocent civilians.
The U.S. House of Representatives finally made a bold move against Obama’s plan to allow thousands of Syrian Islamic refugees into America. The plan was for in excess of 100,000.
Another Obama term in Office might possibly have seen Islamic rule from the White House, a move Obama has said he would support if it came down to a choice. A Trump election victory may have been more important than first thought.
It’s also worth noting that neither the Saudis nor any other peninsula State has any interest in housing the Europe-bound refugees but rather they have agreed to shelter dozens of the worst jihadists Obama has released from the off-shore Guantanamo facility...many of these high-end prisoners (above) are known to have already returned to the battle field.
Brennan was to the CIA what Hoover was to the FBI... both knew too much to be dismissed, but every last vestige of Brennan's Islamised CIA will be vanquished by Trump.

It's now clear why Trump does not trust Obama's Islamised Intelligence Community.
The Way I See's funny but these Left Western leaders who promote the rise and rise of Islam never seem to be at risk of death by terrorists themselves, only the people they have sworn to protect are at risk.
There must be a special place in hell reserved for Merkel and Obama,... and certainly John Brennan.