Let's face it....Marxists murdered millions and wrecked every country they've led. Yet 25 years after the Berlin Wall's fall, they still cling to power in Australia's universities. I posted two articles on this site in March last year about this subject. The first one was a warning of the coming of a Commie Conference in Melbourne;
Commies Come to Challenge the System ! ( March 27, 2013) where I listed the Commie-filth intending to be speakers and the other article laid out the reality of Karl Marx's policies of Communism;
''A Manifesting of Karl Marx's ''Manifesto'' ! (also March 27th), something every university student should read at least 10 times.. Well, these vermin of the Socialist Alliance have persuaded
Melbourne University to host this conference on its grounds....again! It's called
MARXISM: Ideas to Challenge the System.

Yes, it's amazing that universities are the last refuge of the Marxist -- of people such as
Victoria University politics lecture Max Lane, recently on the executive council of the
Revolutionary Socialist Party. This ratbag is now with the Socialist Alternative, which urges
''the smashing of the capitalist
state apparatus'', including the
''dismantling of parliaments, courts, the armed forces and police.''
It's followers
''reject Australian patriotism'' and
''oppose all immigration controls'', and Lane last week dutifully sent a letter to the
Jakarta Post to warn its Indonesian readers our immigration minister is actually a pirate who kills innocent people. (Conveniently failing to mention that 1000+ boat people perished under the Labour Party's slack border restrictions.)
''The forcible seizure of these people's boats and towing them back to a destination of their choice would seem to amount to piracy,'' Lane thundered.
''I would like to see Immigration and Border Protection Minister, Scott Morrison, charged with piracy and criminal negligence causing death.'' (Also failing to mention not one boat person has died under the Coalition's border policy).
It's odd that we pay a man with such extreme, anti-Australia views--and so ready to trash our reputation abroad--to teach students his filth at a university....and the university board allows it. Of course, most of them are Commies too! Sure, I agree that universities should teach all perspectives, so an odd Lane here and there is to be expected. But scores of them? In fact Lane is one of 12 academics listed to speak at
MARXISM 2014, a four-day conference over Easter. Of course these atheists chose the highest Christian holy days to emphasise Lenin's favourite saying,
''Where Communism begins, atheism begins!''
Twelve academics is an astonishing turnout of speakers for a conference to promote a totalitarian ideology which has caused such misery and devastation.
The Marxism 2014 speakers include, for example,
Professor Jane Kenway, of Monash University's education faculty....who teaches tomorrow's teachers. Just lovely!
Rick Kuhn -- another politics reader at the Australian National University.
Tom Bramble -- ''socialist activist'' and senior lecturer in industrial relations, University of Queensland,
Diane Fieldes -- a teacher in industrial relations at the University of NSW.
Lisa Miner -- a filmmaker teaching media students at Southern Cross University.
Gary Foley -- an Aboriginal radical of Victoria University.
Sarah Gregson -- an industrial relations academic at the University of NSW, and also president of her National Tertiary Education Union branch. (Her topic
''The RSL; foot soldiers of capitalism'')
Ali Alizadeh -- who teaches literature and creative writing at Monash, also writes for
a far left magazine generously funded by the Australian Council with more of our money.
Patricia Cornelius --a former academic now on Australia Council Assessment Panel, which helps to decide how much in grants to give magazines like -- hey! --
''Boots'' Riley (USA) -- Negro Hip-Hop artist and socialist activist.
Gilbert Achcar (UK) -- committed socialist and antiwar activist professor of Oriental and African studies at London University.
Michael Karadjis -- member of Socialist Alliance and writes for the Green Left Weekly and teaches political Science on a part-time basis at various Sydney universities.
And a half dozen more of the flotsam and jetsam of the Marxist underbelly.
How well have has the far left captured our institutions -- and public funding? And why are they so dependent on it? And why do they get so much of it? It's time Aussie citizens use Stalin's method by PURGING these bastards out of our universities and to protect Australia's future generations.
The Way I See It.....there is a lesson for this miscreants. A lesson when even these Marxist's children have shown their parents their politics is unworkable. You see, Marxism 2014 will once again hold a
''School of Rebellion'' to teach children as young as five
''constructive, collective and organized rebellion' with lessons on
''why unions matter'' and
''organising a student strike'', plus a little fun with
''smashing capitalism'' : a piñata party. But even the
Green Left Weekly had to admit last year's School of Rebellion ended with its 30 students rebelling against the school itself.
It reported the children were given a
''graffiti workshop'' which involved the kids making their demands and ideas known with spray paint. They sure did! Their demands included,
''Free Internet, Free Food, Free everything!'' And then the older kids rebelled during a poetry session and demanding to go outside and play soccer. Which they did. Marxism in a nutshell: Here are mini-Marxists demanding everything be given to them free, and then refusing to work themselves.
And how often have we seen what inevitably follows: the state using force to make some work to provide what the others take and to crack down on those who protest? There will be no graffiti workshop at the School of Rebellon this year. That's Marxism, kids. It's amazing that after so many disastrous failures, your parents still believe this stuff. But far worse is that so many of your parents teach in our universities, trying to ture them into Schools of Rebellion, too. And we pay these Bastards !!!