I initially mentioned my brother-in-law's warning to my wife and I not to stroll down the street at night from our hotel in Perth's CBD as we were very likely to be set upon and mugged by Sudanese men loitering in parks along the main street. He even pointed them out lurking in the shadows that put a chill up our spines. I then told Mr Manheim that just 4 weeks later a patient of mine visiting Perth for a business conference was walking the 3 blocks back to the same hotel and was attacked by 6 Sudanese. They held him down and groped for his wallet, then as a police car rounded the corner; off they fled. I included my angry and bruised patient's remark saying, "Those Bl--k B--tards nearly killed me!" for emphasis.
I went on to list incidents that were occurring all over Australia. In Adelaide last year, four people were stabbed after a beauty pageant over a brawl off Rundle Street involving about 100 members of the Sudanese community. A few months later, in another incident, a 14 year old gang member was charged with murder. Melbourne and Sydney both had their share of gang fights, vandalism and violence to Australians. And here in Brisbane we have 4 groups of them in Annerley, Stones Corner, Cooparoo and Collingwood Park and now poor Toowoomba has them too! Police in each area report shop stealing, accosting women, vandalism and an intimidating behavior by Sudanese youths. Are these the LOST BOYS Mr Manheim tells us are just trying to rebuild their lives? Yes..at our countrymen's expense I might add.
You would think he would show more concern and try to do something. Well, the something he did do was show my sincere email to some social worker, who typically showed no concern for my evidence but she took to calling me a racist for putting my patient's remark in the message. Do you believe this man couldn't not write me first and discuss the strong way I presented my evidence. Well, his people are at it again! Andrew Bolt's website has listed some offences.
Easter weekend in southeast Melbourne had 2 men being injured with a machete and metal chain during a wild brawl that erupted after another beauty pageant. More than 1000 members of the Sudanese community had gathered at a public hall. Police arrived to find a large group fighting each other in the street. Officers were pelted with bottles and had to call for back-up. It took 12 police units and 3 dog-squads two hours to bring the violence under control. In 2007, a young man was stabbed after a brawl at a beauty pageant party involving 700 people in Dandenong. Seems these people are developing some bad habits! The list goes on.
Also this weekend in Darwin, two teenage boys were wounded with a machete while a third was beaten unconscious. Residents of the quiet Wulagi street described the attackers as African.
April 14: In Shepparton, 3 armed black men terrorised two staff members in a brazen attack at a Subway restaurant at 9:30pm. They were armed with a baseball bat and knife.
April 13: In Melbourne, a man was stabbed in the head while he walked through a residential car park at 6:40pm. The 2 attackers were African and in their teens.
April 10: Also Melbourne, while walking home from a party, two men were seriously stabbed in brawl when they came upon another group of men in their late teens and early 20's about 1:30am. An argument erupted and the men carrying the knives were Africans.
April 6: Melbourne police are seeking two Africans in their late-20s with short black hair after an unprovoked stabbing in Footscray at 7:45pm. A man called out to the victim to get his attention as a second man lunged from at him from bushes and stabbed him in the shoulder and then in the back.
April 2: In Canberra, a 19 year old is recovering in hospital after being stabbed in the abdomen. At 1:45am the victim and his 18 year old friend were walking down a street in Belconnen when they noticed a man following them. When questioned about his behavior the black African rushed them and stabbed his friend in the arm and him in the abdomen.
This is just a partial, but alarmingly long list of brawls, sexual assaults and stabbings in Australia involving offenders of African appearance in JUST ONE MONTH! Good old Akoch Manheim hides himself behind a Politically Correct Social Worker while this insult to Aussie kindness goes on. You may contact him with your opinion of the actions of his ungrateful community at his email address: akoch20@yahoo.com.
The Way I See It....I wonder at the irresponsibility of our Immigration Department in thinking people from such a vastly different and troubled culture could fit in without undue trouble. Chris Bowen has a lot to answer for his cock-eyed view of multiculturalism. Inviting people with limited English language skills, many not even familiar with the Roman & Arabic alphabet with no formal qualifications or skills. They will need a lot of our resources to assist them in every way of living here. Not wanting them here is not Racist, but Realistic. However, you don't see any African country willing to take them, do you? Why? Read on.
Try this one on. It was brought to my attention a few months ago that the Scouting Organization of Australia focused on establishing a special scout troop for the blacks in Toowoomba. The desire was to stop the rampant breaking & entering and vandalism offenses by giving this bunch a constructive outlet for their unsocial energies. So, at the first meeting to get the Troop started, blacks were introduced to each other when a yell rang out from the Sudanese teenagers, "We won't be going to any meeting if these Rwandans are going to be here!" Do you believe this black-to-black reverse racism?? It's enough to make this old "whitey" cringe. Maybe Sixty Minutes would like to run a story.
Seriously, I must ask...has the desire to seem nice once more overwhelmed our government's responsibility to be wise? How smart was it to offer such people a home in Australia, so remote in so many ways? How fair was it to do so, given how this would affect Australians themselves? Would it have not been more effective help to work harder to provide safe havens and support in their homeland? Have we offered anywhere enough of the support such people would need to settle in without harm to themselves or their new neighbours? I think there will be a day of reckoning if this isn't fixed pretty soon...DO YOU HEAR US Akoch?