Thursday, December 30, 2010
Hitler was a Green Guru Too ( He's back !)

Sleep Problem Linked with Memory Loss !

TV Will Save the World

Monday, December 27, 2010
Global Warming Turns Into a Joke

Sunday, December 26, 2010
Fluoridated Water Meets its Waterloo!

Don't Pretend Green Jobs will Save Us

Time to Profile Terrorists at Airports

Sunday, December 19, 2010
Blood on their Hands !

Monday, December 6, 2010
The Scientific Case for Masturbation

- Masturbation removes old, damaged sperm that are passed their Use-by-Date from the reproductive tract. That would increase the fraction of healthy, speedy sperm, improving the male's chance of becoming a father. Notes biologist Jane Waterman (University of Central Florida), in her paper in the journal PLoS One, "In humans masturbating decreased the number of sperm a man delivered the next time he had sex but not the number of sperm that woman retained." She concluded that "masturbation is a male strategy to increase sperm fitness." Result: healthier and possibly more babies.
- Masturbation might be a form of advertising. According to this theory, males that engage in autoeroticism signal to possible mates as well as competitors how much they have to offer. Result: more mating, more babies, bigger families.
- Masturbation might be a sort of Victory Lap. Some animals masturbate after they mate. Since other members of the group know this, then this act signifies to other females looking for a mate that, "if he was good enough for her...." Result: more mating, more babies.
- Masturbation can serve a hygiene function. According to this idea, males engage in autoeroticism because it cleans the reproductive tract and reduces the chance of acquiring a sexually transmitted disease from a female he mated with and who had other recent partners. Result: a lower incidence of STDs, better sexual hygiene, more mating, more babies.
And what about females??? There have been far fewer observations of the females of various species. Instead, primatologists conclude, in the case of females the purpose is simply to produce enjoyable sensations...with or without batteries.
The Way I See It....all in all and across great and small, autoeroticism (at least among males) is a cornerstone of procreation and thus the formation of families. If religious fundamentalist views of the practice were to dominate, it would be a worrisome threat to family values and to our species. It seems that the church is always pushing for pain while males are always pulling for pleasure. Oh well...
Monday, November 22, 2010
Appeasement Wasn't in JFK's Vocabulary

Sunday, November 21, 2010
The REAL "Stolen Generation''

The journey, which lasted at least two days, continued by another bus and then by boat. Once in the countryside, the couple transferred Zhou to a older woman. He remembers, ''She didn't seem happy. Maybe it was an issue of price. So we took a three-wheeled cart to another farm and then another. In the end they took me to my new family.'' Zhou was repeatedly told by his new family, a large farming clan in Fujian, that life would have been much worse had he never been sold to them. But he was treated more like Cinderella than part of this large family. Eventually they treated him better and he grew to like them.
It's important to remember that the late 1980's were an unsettling period for China. The economic reforms that had began a decade earlier had opened up huge opportunities - not just for law abiding citizens. The Chinese penchant for corruption also began to rise, and organized crime, beaten back by relentless social controls, grew once again. Because of a new freedom of movement, gangs found it easier to take children from one place and sell them in another. There have been many crackdowns in the past, but the authorities are cracking down much harder and in the last 18 months have arrested 15,000 people, with ringleaders sentenced to death. They were selling children for up to $6000 each. However, the scourge continues as 2,093 cases were already reported in the first seven months of this year.
To control population growth, in 1979 the government launched the One-Child Policy, which prevented most families from having multiple offspring. A traditional preference for male children, meanwhile, persisted in many areas. For these moderately prosperous citizens buying a child is an investment to ensure they are taken care of in old age. These factors contributed to the springing up of syndicates that traded not only in children but also in young women, who were sold into marriage in rural areas short on eligible brides.
Tackling the aftermath, however, can be even harder than cracking the trafficking gangs. Despite a new official effort to reunite families with their lost children, it's mostly volunteers that shoulder much of the work. And while the, mostly indifferent, public is slowly becoming aware of the extent of the human trafficking, the implications of having tens of thousands of children wrenched from their families are only now emerging as those who went missing in the 1980's reach adulthood. Some were kidnapped at such a young age that they will never have any recollection of their birth family. The police have recently launched a website called ''Baby Searching for Home,'' which publicizes the details of the rescued children to help grieving parents identify them. The authorities confirm any possible matches through DNA tests. So far 813 children have been reunited with their families through this program, unfortunately the now 27 year old Zhou wasn't one of them.
The Way I See It....this is a true story of human tragedy, a real "Stolen Generation" rather then the phony one foisted on the Australian people. This manufactured guilt-trip instigated by anti-religious, leftest historians (which I exposed in my previous posting on the subject) to malign the good intentions of those missionaries working in difficult conditions with half-caste children in dire circumstances. Zhou's story is emblematic of a country in the throes of rapid change, torn between tradition and modernity, challenge and opportunity, morality and corruption. Hopefully there is a good end in sight.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Absurd Vaccine Marketing of Gardasil

Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Watermelons Invade Norfolk Island

So you think I was exaggerating when I said global warming is just the latest cause of the "closet totalitarian"? Then pay close attention to an experiment the Warmists are about to inflict on the people of Norfolk Island (an Australian external territory). BE WARNED! What's being trialled there with $390,000 0f Gillard Government money may, if it works, be spread to the mainland, say the researchers. Which means those Watermelons might be coming to a "patch" near you.
The Plan.....and no, I'm not joking...is to put Norfolk Islanders on rations to fight both global warming and obesity. Funded by the Australian Research Council and approved by the Socialist Left Science Minister Kim Carr, researchers from the Southern Cross University will give each island "volunteer" a Carbon Card. Every time they buy petrol, electricity or an air flight, they will have carbon units deducted from the fixed allowance on their card. More units will be lost each time they buy fatty foods, take-away meals or produce flown in from a long way away.
Now get this! If at the end of each year they have carbon units left over, they can sell them. If they've blown their allocation, they must buy more. BUT...each year, the number of carbon units in this market will be cut, causing their price to soar and thus the price of extra food, power and petrol to rise -- because the idea is to cut greenhouse gases and make Norfolk Islanders trim, taut and terrifically moral. Really! Conservatives well aware of human fallibility will immediately spot the obvious flaw in this latest scheme of the Left (read neo-commies) to remake humanity. They've forgotten that Karl Marx and his ilk are on the ash-heap of history.
The Flaw is this: what happens when people run out of their carbon rations and can"t afford the extra units they need to buy more fuel, power and even food? This was the question Andrew Bolt of the Sun Herald Newspaper put to Garry Egger, head of this draconian experiment and professor at SCU. His response was astonishing and revealing, because this basic question, which so exposes the teeth of the totalitarian, would have been one you'd think he'd long wrestled with. After all, his personal carbon rationing idea is not new, it's been kicking around for years by the bullies infesting the global warming faith and the Left. But the key question has still not been answered. "What if people don't want to live your dream? What if they rebel or merely fail you?"
Egger: In the first year you are just warned. Later, if you overspend you've got to buy the Units that are cashed in.
Andrew: If you put this on the mainland and you were really strict about it (because you people think the world was warming very dangerously) and someone exceeded their rations, one would presume that you would make some food, for example, too expensive for them to buy.
Egger: That's right, so if you got a fatty unhealthy food that is imported, which takes a lot of carbon to produce, then the price would go up.
Andrew: What happens to a very irresponsible fat family and they've blown their carbon budget and you've made their food terribly expensive? What about the kids? They go to breakfast and they've got one baked bean each?
Egger: Again, they will get money back from learning to do the right thing!
The Way I See It....with that unemotional comment, you have an insight into a key failing of so many grand schemes of the Left to improve resistant humans or build for them someone else's idea of the perfect society. These schemes so often are too perfect for the flawed humans they supposedly serve. It's the humans who must adapt to their system and not the other way around. Which is where they see some force is required, some democracy sacrificed.
What a buzz for the "closet" totalitarian then, to bully other people "for their own good"...in this case to "Save the Planet"! When the case is so just, which planet-saver could let some contemptible fatty stand in their way, begging for carbon units to feed their chubby children?
Need an illustration of the seriousness of what I'm talking about? Professor Egger himself plans to jet off to Cancun, Mexico, the end of this month to boast to a U.N Global Warming Conference how he persuaded Norfolk Islanders to ration just such joy flights for themselves. THIS IS YOUR FUTURE coming right at you folks! It's best you realise this is no longer a joke.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Heart Foundation has me "ticked-off"!

Sunday, October 24, 2010
Germany's Fraying Welcome Mat

Monday, September 27, 2010
The Post-American Presidency

Friday, September 10, 2010
Are You Sitting Down ?

Monday, August 30, 2010
You'd Have "Stolen" Too !

In 2008, one of the first acts the newly-elected Prime Minister of Australia, Kevin Rudd, did was stand before Parliament and make speech that said "SORRY" to the Stolen Generation. He and his leftist Labor government bought into the fabrication of Aboriginal history and the work of the missionaries by white. bleeding-heart, anti-establishment historians like Anna Haebich and Christine Choo. The missionaries were viewed as having worked in tandem with the government authorities to grab half-caste girls from their parents to be "whited-out" and Christianized. To this end they were demonized and reportedly encouraged families and pressured them to send these children to their care. The real truth of their benevolent mission was maliciously twisted to become our generation's guilt-trip.
Here's a few examples of what actually worried the missionaries and made them take action:
- A local telegraph operator had reported that "a 5 year-old half-caste girl was out with an old woman when a bush black took her away for two nights during which time the black woman said he made use of her. A very common practice I hear."
- In 1900, a postmaster reported how girls under 10 years had been cohabiting with Asiatics for many months. He said, "Half-caste girls commanded the best prices and enabled the mother and so-called father to live without any exertion whatsoever on the proceeds of tucker they received fortnightly where 20-40 boats come in for water."
- In 1929 in W.A., Pallotine monks were appalled by families prostituting their daughters.They commented that "one couple had been trafficking with their young daughter in a big way, she had to go wherever her father told her. If only we had Nuns here, she and the other girls could be saved from this life of perdition!"
- In 1904, one graphic account from a postmaster reported that he saw more 50 young females mating with Asian crews at Cowen Creek mooring grounds. He complained that was just one of many such mooring grounds and that VD was rampant.
- Also boys of 10-12 were being lured or forced onto Malay pearling boats for sexual use.
The Way I See It....the missions and the hard working missionaries educated children to a good primary standard and rescued many females from horrific sexual fates. They lifted health standards and saved many Aborigines from dysentery, venereal disease and other health related diseases. The notion that to accomplish these ends they contributed to the Stolen Generations is manifestly untrue and the historians who make such a claim should be repudiated and not be believed.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Unclear About Nuclear ?
France has 58 nuclear power plants dotted across its country-side producing 75% of its needs. Japan has 54 and Russia has 32 and building 11 more. China has 12 and building 23 more! And who's supplying them with the Uranium to fire up these plants, our vast deposits are. We are selling overseas when we could be using it for ourselves. It's ridiculous that our politicians don't have the vision and the guts to say to these Watermelons in our midst, "bugger off" we need these facilities. Actually the country could use 6 to start with. Picture this: Six plants built in a 10 kilometre circle in the centre of Australia with power lines going each to Darwin, Adelaide, Perth, Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane. Wouldn't that be a sight?
Look people, if little Belgium with 7 plants, Spain with 8, Sweden with 10 and 17 across the German country-side (see photo) can see no threat to themselves why can't we? What you need are the facts so we can realistically make the right decision to curb pollution, use less fossil fuels and not sacrifice jobs or our lifestyle. Here's some "eye-openers" for you.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
More On that Ground Zero Mosque

Monday, August 16, 2010
On a Lighter Note.....

Wednesday, August 4, 2010
"VICTORY" Mosque Allowed !!!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Beauty Sleep for Heart Health

Are men and women so different physiologically that they react differently to troubled sleep patterns? Or are men protected somehow from the health effects of poor sleep? To find out, Dr. Edward Suarez, at Duke University, gathered 210 healthy men and women and asked them detailed questions about their sleep habits--including how long it took them to fall asleep, how many hours they had slumbered in the past month, whether they slept through the night and if they felt drowsy during the day.
Then he recorded their levels of cholesterol, insulin, glucose, the clotting agent fibrinogen, inflammatory proteins (that contribute to heart disease) and for insulin resistance (a precursor to diabetes). Since emotional factors can effect sleep as well, he also assessed each subject's levels of depression, hostility and anger, using standard psychological questionnaires. What Dr. Suarez uncovered was a consistent association between poor sleep and higher levels of the risk factors for heart disease and diabetes---but only among the women! The men with reported interrupted sleep did not show higher levels of risk factors. The results, published in the journal Brain, Behavior and Immunity, are among the first to link poor sleep to such a wide array of physiological changes.
While he cannot fully explain why men and women are affected so differently, Dr. Suarez believes that testosterone could play a role. High levels of testosterone are known to reduce levels of heart damaging inflammatory proteins but can also cause some men sleep problems too. So he speculates that while testosterone may trigger sleep disturbances, it also blunts some of the changes that can raise the risk of heart disease and diabetes.
The Way I See It....Dr Suarez's study stops short of saying that women can reduce their risk for these conditions just by changing their sleep pattern, but it should galvanize women to pay more attention to the time they spend in bed. Just as I teach patients to eat well, exercise and maintain a healthy spine and nervous system through Wellness Care, I also advise them on how important it is to sleep well. In other words, for women....a good night's rest is far more than just a beauty sleep.